Monday, October 25, 2010

This is going to be a bad week

I thought I was at peace with having Cindy euthanized. Well I wouldn't say I am troubled about the decision but I am grieving. Part of this is coming out as extreme irritation with liberals, I never considered I might have the extra strain of thinking liberals are going to fall for Bennetts scare the women tactics --he has no reason to vote for him, all he has is to try to scare the women that Buck would outlaw 'the pill' and is a sexist. Righttttt, Bennett voted for the bill whose purpose is to ruin our health system so we end up with a NIH type nightmare like england where young women have to go through some snooty government clerk if they need birth control or an abortion and older women who need fertility treatments to conceive will have to convince some government agency that it should spend the extra $$ for that to happen but a pro-life conservative is going to magically be able to undo a decision from the supreme court?
What gets me is not that the Dem's are resorting to this but that it seems to be working. Am I so atypical? Are most women
completely ignorant of how the law works and what that effing health care reform monstrosity will mean if it is not repealed?

** Rush did warn today that the MFM is going to push some hair pulling themes this week.
1) momentum is shifting to the dem(s)
2) the R's are going to cave & work with Barry so why bother voting this year
3) the R's are going to impeach Barry and pull the rug out from under SS, etc if they win -so if you fear the upheaval vote lib
4) Polling shows/showed the R's should pick up at least 52 house seats (1994 turnover level) or various analysts will be and have been saying turnover might be lots higher so even if you can take control of the house (39 seat pickup --need a few more for RINOs) and block Barry from any more legislation to destroy the country the R's should have been able to pick up more seats so the tea party is a failure &/or its hopeless for the tea party to try to reform the GOP and they have to go 3rd party --which would give Dems a few more years to sack and loot the country during transition.

I had been thinking the R's need to get to at least 50 in the senate so the D's don't change rules for fillibusters. But actually since the R's will take the house we will not need any R senate fillibusters and the D's certainly aren't going to make it harder for themselves to block conservative bills coming from the house. I don't think the R's will risk a 2012 shift back to D's and go 'nuclear option' on senate rules if THEY get over 50 seats and they could not get to 60 seats even if they flipped 100% of the D seats which was NOT ever going to happen; so I think we will have 2 years of blocking the marxists from passing more bills to kill the country but probably not able to undo much unless some of the dems in congress choose staying in office over toeing/towing the party line. --That COULD well happen if the tea party movement shows its strength over the next year or so.

The times are going to remain 'interesting, in the chinese curse way' for at least another 2 years. Probably for at least the next decade as conservatives wrestle with trying to cut government down to a sustainable size w/o scaring voters into a stampede to the false security + class envy the liberals will be pushing hard. Oh well, I think I shall try to get a barn/garage building put up in WY and work on making it possible to live there --wood stove, kerosene garage heater, ..... well set up for intermittent usage ........

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