Monday, April 17, 2017

Survived first ride of the season

Tanza was less interested in eating alfalfa hay or his mashes then he is at home.   Arghhhh.  But he got through the ride.    Was not drinking the first loop, but drank at the vet check and was interested in hay at the vet check.   He was dragging as we started the second loop, but did let me push him through and then got strong when he felt the pull of going back to the camp.

I was so tired after the ride.  We both needed to be doing only the LD, as we are not in shape to handle more yet.   The ride had a good turnout, delicious food  and the ride picture turned out well.

I found out that wearing loose full seat breeches does NOT work.   The wrinkles were chafing me.  Yay for in camp vet checks so I was able to change to something that stopped inflicting the damage.

I need to be syringing apple sauce into Tanza daily, he is so stupidly angst about getting syringed and if he is not going to eat mashes reliably, where I can know he is getting e-lytes that way he will have to be syringed.  

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Still need to pack and hook up to big trailer by Friday morning

But if feels like I got a fair amount of stuff done with weekend.   It was a rough start with adjusting to Invisalign retainers that came in on Thursday.   I am still adjusting to them but it is getting easier as I decide what I can eat and drink with them in.  Supposed to "only drink water" with them in but if I did that I'd get nowhere near to the supposed to wear them 22 hours/day number because I sip a lot of tea and coffee during the course of a day.   And I can let chocolate melt in my mouth with them in.

I had a riding date set up but the gal canceled, messaged me that she was coming down with flu.  So Tanzaknight only went 7 miles at home.   That will have to be enough, should be OK if I ride slow next weekend at the WY ride.

Today I rode Sadie and we got sleeted on.  She held it together so it was a good thing of proving to me she can be sane even under icky conditions.   It only sleeted for maybe 30 minutes, 20-25 that I was out in it though.  Then it got very very windy so I did some spring cleaning laundry, washing up a lot of bedding from the guest room that was Ole's bed rather than a guest bed for the last several months of his life.   I also put the new foam I bought on my air mattress, replacing the top foam that came with it.   I think the new foam will work out well, but keeping the old topper handy for a while.  If I decide the new topper is a permanent change then I will cut a pillow or 2 out of the old topper and then put it in my horse trailer to make that mattress cushier.

Made buffalo rib steaks for supper tonight.   They were less than 1" I think and got to temperature to quickly I get them a bit more done then I intended but thanks to the thermometer I didn't get them way too done and they were tender enough and tasted fine.  I put some garlic and dill on the peas and carrots to go with as a bit of a change up from just salt, pepper and margarine,  thought that worked OK.