Monday, October 26, 2015

well darn it

Looked up Tanzas official record and the ride I thought gave us a completion has us overtime.  I am ridiculously bummed by this right now.  I shouldn't be, but after being called as a completer at the ride it was a bummer to find they changed their minds when they sent results in.  

Perspective, perspective,  He got the # of completions to get his name called at local region's convention, this last ride would have been an extra and he was not pulled with lameness, he is both sound and healthy.   Unlike the poor gal whose horse was having a bad colic, getting treated at ride with vet saying she need to move on to treatment at a horsepital overnight.  I still have not heard if the horse pulled through and it is not a given that he did, although I have the impression that IVs and gastro drainage in his situations are pretty successful, just $$$, but that is if it was not a deal with the horse having an unknown tumor or something.   THAT is a having a bad day, and the gal is one of the best horsewoman I know.  It is a reminder that shit happens,  the sport is strenuous, but one has to remember that shit also happens to horses who are just at home in an idyllic pasture paradise setting.  

Sunday, October 25, 2015

lazy weekend

And it feels so good.   I did pull up some goat heads on Satruday and went to the area morondezvous.   It was OK.  I have a hard time with venues that have music blaring most of the time but it was good to see people again.  Everyone was a bit subdued, but with the GOPe showing that they fear the tea party and people wanting more conservative smaller government in general and are fine with the commie Dems what can be expected.

Today I read a book by a horde author.  It was quite good and I left him a review.  I bought another book of his but it didn't deliver to my kindle right away.  I had several books I had bought that had not delivered (I have not been wanting to start a book when I should do stuff so was only taking vague notice that I couldn't see titles I thought should be there) but I went online to get all of them delivered now. 

One of the mome attendees has written some history about Islam.  Not on kindle which initially bummed me out but if I get the dead tree versions I can put them in the library at work so that might be good.  I often have good intentions that I should read such things but only get a short way through anyways. 

I did laundry, dishwasher, and made waffles for supper tonight so was not completely a slug today.  Just have a pretty good list of things I should do.  Unhook trailer,  continue trying to get to garage shelves and general decluttering and searching for the Shade/Lady size hoof boots I'm sure I have but cannot find.   Get my tank dumped,  do some more yard cleanup and so on. 

I did not ride at all.  Feels ok to take a break there too.  Last weekend I took DL, R and Rs friend trail-riding and fetched Lady home from her summer in Golden.   Tanza was pretty good and Grey was good for R's friend.  They were both reluctant to cross a bit of mud at the start of the ride but were good otherwise.  R's friend seemed to have a blast, she really liked trotting and cantering Grey. 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

sleepy saturday.

I have some things I want to get done, so even though there is nothing critical I do need to summon some energy and get a few little things going.

I should decide I can read books and then leave the book/kindle aside.   I have been better than when I was younger but I still have a tendency to think "can't start a book, I need to do stuff in a bit", and then I surf the web but find myself irritated at drama llama stuff and bored and feel like I deserve to be satisfied before I shut the screen down and do stuff.    If I could give myself a magical power I'd use it to shut down drama llama posting modes on the boards and FB.   I enjoy hearing about life snippets, just stop trying to turn everyday hassles into your heroic drama tale. 

Friday, October 16, 2015


Work.  Still pretty busy and I am trying to get some things in place for proposal we will write to expand ground based processing.   Very weird feeling, yesterday my boss for ground based walked into my office and announced he will put out an ad to hire an associate scientist.   He has extra funds from current project that needs to be spent and there is much work to do.  Letting me know so I don't go WTFFF when I see ad.

Okaaayyy, so I am going wtfff now instead.  I was not slammed on the main project this summer and could have done work on the ground based if informed there was funds available and tasks he wanted done.   Oh well,  I am trying to remind myself that I have long thought that I would dearly love to go to about half-time in 2-3 years so it is a great thing if I get made redundant in a couple of years and they only need me to continue on a part time basis to allow for people's vacations and extra stuff that comes up and so on.   Frankly I will not be shocked if the global doom hits in that time frame although things could very well totter along for another decade or 2 before math and reality assert themselves.  I have no feel for timeframe, just a big gut feeling that economies around the globe are not sustainable and since our own is now on top of that list there won't be any rescuing when bubbles start bursting.

Had appointments or errands 4 days this week and was running slow in mornings so didn't get to office very early even though I didn't even think about riding.   I have got to do better at decluttering around the place and being more organized,  I'm tired of feeling like everything is on the verge of boiling over before I get to that pan to use a cooking allegory.

There is a lot churn in the office, as well as overall company lately and I hates it.  I don't do workplace intrigue and politics and I am  unfortunately hearing bits and pieces because of where my office is located and don't have the full context and don't want to gossip or go interrogative on the folks I am overhearing to get the rest of the story.  YUCK.   I'm feeling like one of the newer hires is stirring the pot and at the same time feeling guilty for thinking that because its a stereotype that I have formed based on a few novels and I don't have any evidential basis for it.  Just a vague impression that she is twisting some things in a way that is escalating some ill feelings when she could be soothing them.

I should shuffle horses to put Sadie and Shade together to be on more diet rations and Tanza and Grey for extra calories and I keep resisting making the move.  But Tanza and Sadie need to be less attached to each other and I need to simplify the horse keeping so I'm not having to pull horses out for extra feed.   Lady is coming home on Sunday so everything will be shaken up then anyways so I really should do the calorie sorting as well.

I MUST check my calendar,  I may be late on giving Tanza his allergy shot.  This is going to be a pain remembering with the long intervals but I must find a system to make that work.

There is a good note.   I started jogging again.   Wed was tough,  I went short and slow just to do it since I missed Monday and Tuesday had volunteered to join on staffing a table to showcase our group at the overall company trustee meeting.  But last night felt good,  I think I will be able to get more fit over the winter and be able to do 50s with Tanza next year.  This year I felt like he maybe wasn't ready and I certainly wasn't.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Learning Distance ride with Tanza yesterday

I found he has a big issue with separation anxiety, and on trail this comes up if I even ask him to slow down and not keep with a group he's been with.   I need to find a way to get him to key onto me for when I need to slow him down.   All horses have a bit of "NO, I must stay with the herd",  but my previous horses would get over that within 10 minutes and just go into a conserve my energy mode until a horse behind them caught up.   Tanza stays keyed up and wastes energy fighting to go faster.  Really caught me by surprise because in Basin on Labor day weekend he was a bit tired and was like 'nah I don't have to keep up'.   But last two rides I thought he was having some minor lameness so I was pulling him back when he was not tired.

I also decided he does a skipping thing that feels like lameness when he is wanting to go faster and I'm holding him back a bit.  I'm not positive that was the only gait issue either ride but now I know he does this and he was fine on trot outs at vet checks both rides. 

And I have been just ignoring him stomping non-existent flies whe he is crabby and yesterday he escalated to actually doing threat kicks (not connecting but definitely waving in people's direction).  Of course I got after him for that, but now I know I should have been telling him to knock it off with the stomping.   I've had so many horses that were just sweethearts that I didn't realize I was creating a monster by not correcting the milder naughtiness.

But they called our name as completing (we were down to wire on pulsing down to stop the clock which is the finish time for LDs, and then he failed his CRI at when I tried to vet him just several minutes later and I was not sure I was within the hour limit when I got him back for recheck.)  He was fine on the recheck.   He was doing a pogo act the last bit into the vet check with first place 50 passing us and a train going by a 100 yards or so away and had been wasting energy most of the loop so in retrospect not surprising he was all stressed; but at the time I was very worried he had a lameness issue even though the vet hadn't said she saw anything.

A VERY excellent horse woman had her good horse colic.  So scary.  I know there is the shit happens at rides, but seeing it in person with someone that I know is top notch about taking care of their horses was a reminder that it is a demanding sport.  I had to remind myself that shit happens to the horses that are only in easy work or even just pasture paradise too; so not having any aspirations would not be any guarantee of avoiding a sick horse.  

Just call me the pet apothecary

I often think "I did not envision myself becoming a pet apothecary" but seeing Mia still be playful at 11 with a pin in her leg and Ole also 11 moving pretty good since I changed his mix to include turmeric along with devils claw and just a bit of MSM makes it worthwhile.

That was the FB snapshot.    When I'm hand filling capsules with MSM and the devils claw and turmeric I do feel like "oh boy I'm living the life of an old timey apothecary, but doing it for free for the pets.  I do take turmeric myself in capsules also.   I take my MSM dissolved in tea instead of in capsules cuz cheap and not wanting to swallow a bunch of horse size pills.  But the dogs don't get wet food other than the odd bit of table scraps so they get everything in capsules and wrapped in american cheese to make sure they swallow them.   Mia needs the cheese, she will work pills out if I try to use old weiners or something like that. 

I also use a lot of herbs for horses.  CJ really seems to do better if he gets his "liver herbs", mainly milk thistle with some dandelion and nettle.  Shade gets devils claw with some extras for her arthritis + the previcoxx and turmeric and now Sadie is getting turmeric (supposed to help with horse blood sugar/insulin resistance) + for now valerian root to keep her from overdoing.

Ah yes,  I neglected to post about the vet visit.  No worries of cellulitis but Sadie has a lesion on her superficial tendon.  Probably did it when she did the initial scrape to the inside of her leg, not a bandage bow but she is no riding for 5-6 months and supposed to not race around for 1 month.   Well the first week was a bust for the not racing around.  Having her with CJ was a bust,  she was trotting the fence line and he lunged at and bit her when I gave hay (I thought he was a mellow boss but he was being mean to her)

So I put her out with Tanza and Razz and did that for about a week but in the big pen she runs with Tanza or when he is gone so I put her and Tanza together in CJ's smaller pen and put CJ in with Razz staring on Monday and Sadie is getting the herbal valium type supplement to keep her more quiet so the tendon can do the initial healing w/o her constantly over-doing it.  --I HOPE.    I'm thinking I may drag her along to the ride too to keep her calm although it will be a PITA and she'll probably pace on the high-tie while Tanza is riding.   But she'll be happy when he is at trailer and won't have room to get going fast which is supposed to be the big straining thing on the darn tendon injuries.