Sunday, October 25, 2015

lazy weekend

And it feels so good.   I did pull up some goat heads on Satruday and went to the area morondezvous.   It was OK.  I have a hard time with venues that have music blaring most of the time but it was good to see people again.  Everyone was a bit subdued, but with the GOPe showing that they fear the tea party and people wanting more conservative smaller government in general and are fine with the commie Dems what can be expected.

Today I read a book by a horde author.  It was quite good and I left him a review.  I bought another book of his but it didn't deliver to my kindle right away.  I had several books I had bought that had not delivered (I have not been wanting to start a book when I should do stuff so was only taking vague notice that I couldn't see titles I thought should be there) but I went online to get all of them delivered now. 

One of the mome attendees has written some history about Islam.  Not on kindle which initially bummed me out but if I get the dead tree versions I can put them in the library at work so that might be good.  I often have good intentions that I should read such things but only get a short way through anyways. 

I did laundry, dishwasher, and made waffles for supper tonight so was not completely a slug today.  Just have a pretty good list of things I should do.  Unhook trailer,  continue trying to get to garage shelves and general decluttering and searching for the Shade/Lady size hoof boots I'm sure I have but cannot find.   Get my tank dumped,  do some more yard cleanup and so on. 

I did not ride at all.  Feels ok to take a break there too.  Last weekend I took DL, R and Rs friend trail-riding and fetched Lady home from her summer in Golden.   Tanza was pretty good and Grey was good for R's friend.  They were both reluctant to cross a bit of mud at the start of the ride but were good otherwise.  R's friend seemed to have a blast, she really liked trotting and cantering Grey. 

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