Tuesday, February 21, 2017

I'd really rather not have to drama queen

But lately this stupid liberal land workplace seems like no one gets basic IT support request and so on filled unless they go all drama queen and run around the office screaming "I NEED this to do my job people"

And if they are still working something out, it would be nice to at least get a courtesy word either spoken or emailed "Oh, hey sorry,  an issue came up with blah blah, we are working on it but might not be able to meet your request until next week"     BUT NO,  because *I* am always trying to be polite and understanding I get zero, zilch, nada and I'm getting damned sick and tired of that bullshit.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Well at least it is chocolate week

My group is having to hire a new software guru.  Our lead admin has teamed up with some sjw person who suggested a bunch of whiner black female blogs for black history month on a recent all staff email on a DIE committer and is pushing hard to make sure we are properly 'inclusive' in the search.   What a load of bullshit.  I am still peeved at that email pushing the grievance blogs vs linking to an article about an actual bit of black science history.  

 I am not opposed to hiring another gal to the team but we hired a scientist and associate scientist in the last several months where both best qualified candidates happened to be gals and there are many women scientists in the larger group unless asians don't count for the sjw nazis; so we certainly do not need to hire a less qualified candidate to avoid the appearance of being gender prejudiced. As a member of the committee *I* will not let the female admin nor HR sjw bully us into hiring anyone who will need any remedial training or lots of help to do the job if there is a better candidate who happens to be a white or asian male who is presumed to have 'unfair privilege'.   The group is too small and too busy; we cannot afford to hire someone we'd have to carry vs them helping us get things done

   Such a PITA,  having to worry about making extra sure we have dotted absolutely all the i's and crossed every last T to not only satisfy some HR scold, but also convince our own admin who should be our advocate that we have done every last bit of EOE due diligence.  Oh well, perhaps the best candidate will just happen to be a black lesbian or whatever is near the top of the sjw hierarchy these days, and it won't take any extra work to satisfy the DIE scolds.  

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Busy at work, feeling lazy at home

I did ride both Sadie and Tanza on Sunday so that was good.   Saturday it was windy so I just did laundry all day and web surfed and read.   It has been windy at work all week and I have not gotten out for aerobic exercise.   I need to go use the treadmill if its gross again today I need that good after exercise boost.  

Work has been busy, but we are slowly but steadily moving away from hidebound inefficient legacy ways of doing things to taking advantage of newer technology and techniques that smart folks developed in the last 20 years.   

I finally remembered to set up a flex plan so I could straighten my teeth this year and the dentist has stopped urging me to do it.   I think I will go ahead anyway,  I would be hard pressed to spend that amount of flex money elsewhere unless I did lasik or equivalent on my eyes but I don't want to mess with that when I already need bifocals plus I still don't want to risk extra sensitivity to bright light as that would suck for riding.

I want to whine about stupid progressives at work but the conservative blog is talking baseball; a subject I have no interest in but a whole lot of folks are keenly interested so I must just find other things to do while they are having their inside baseball discussions.  So I will whine just a bit here:  Diversity,  Inclusion and Equity committee at work.    What an apt acronym.   They swapped the E and I words but I still feel that pushing that social justice BS vs "lets make sure we do excellent work in our field"   could be deadly to the organization.   And they are up in arms about the new Secretary of Education.  I bet they can't even name the previous one and DeVos agrees with the one who said "I would be better qualified"  since DeVos is all about giving parents school choice.  Which the progs at my work already have in this state and especially that county/district.