Friday, May 31, 2013

OK, time to take a break from internet

First the tornado news was too much and then someone posted something sad, her DH just ran over the family dog and I just wanted to virtually scream about their spouse that had the accident ala "How could they possibly be so careless, were they in a diabetic sugar daze or something?!" instead of just being sympathetic --and lord I have been there with kittens so I know animals can almost dive under wheels when driver is distracted for just an instant.

  Well my mom raised me right so if I can't say something nice I almost always just say nothing at all but I needed to distance myself to help that along.      I wanted to tell a different poster a night or two ago that he should get rid of his bitchy wife instead of the dog after she is giving him the freeze out because dog got out of crate and shit on the bed --for crying out loud if a grown woman can't just wash the damn bedding and get over it in a few hours let alone days --how could you possible trust she wouldn't drown the kid in a bathtub if you wanted to have kids later .... but for all I know they already have kids and she is mostly saintly but just doesn't care for dogs but was trying to humor him cuz he wanted one and is angry because he wanted it but isn't training it, giving it needed exercise ......  I don't like myself when I go into judgmental mode, especially based only on a few typed sentences.   

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Yay, No more splint.

I'm still making typos like crazy though, and now have no excuse not to correct them all.   The hand surgeon did not disturb the stitches either, whew.  She just did some nerve tests and then had me flex the finger at the tip and then the second joint and explained that there are nerves and arteries (can you call it an artery to a finger?) at the sides and then the tendons that could have been caught in the damage.    They also took x-rays.  That was CYTA IMO,  I did not have any pain that would suggest a bone was even cracked, joints were clearly not dislocated etc.   But since the work offers the HMO for not much more than major medical and do a HSA would cost me each month I'm not going to argue if they run CYA tests out of their pool of premium dollars.   

I'm supposed to do range of motion things with the cut finger but not do anything that requires a hard grip until the stitches come out next week.   So its still going to be interesting trying to tighten a girth to actually ride a horse and no hauling hay bales but at least I can do some fine motor stuff that takes two hands. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

typing 1.5 handed

Monday was a day.   L surprised me sunday by asking if I wanted to haul out and ride Monday.  I thought she'd get cold feet and bail but she didn't.   *I* had a good ride on Sadie.   Dad rode Razz and no problems for him.   Lady spooked at a rock and brush together spot and L came off.   Then at end of ride Lady set back just as I was trying to clip thr trailer tie on her halter & cut my index finger on my left & primary hand nice and deep.    I see a hand surgeon tomorrow to get checked for tendon damage cuz the doc at urgent care could not see tendon & said usually we can see it and check for damage.     I hope the hand surgeon finds no issue and I heal quickly.  Having my dominant hand hobbled with a big splint is a PITA, and right now I need the splint cuz if I push down w my finger it pulls on a stitch or the bruised or whatevr tendon and hurts.   Don't know if I could saddle my horse or if I could rein well enough to ride Sadie if someone saddled her for me.   

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Darn Shade is definitely off.  I think mostly her left hind which they noticed at CSU even with the big problem on the right front.   I was hoping the LH was just reaction to being so off on the RF and it would just self resolve but I'm going to have to get Dr Mike out for a full workup and management plan or possibly back up to CSU.   I'm so bummed,  even though I had 99% decided Shade was done with endurance as it would be too hard to manage the arthritis for that level of work w/o drugs and you can't compete with any drugs it is looking like she is going to need quite a lot of management just to keep her comfortable in pasture and for light riding.   I don't want her to hurt at all, she is such a sweetie.

Sadie has got the sticking up hair again this year.   I was hoping it was almost all due to getting small bits of moldy hay last year and I wouldn't have to worry about management but no such luck.   Frosty has full blown hives again too.   I'm not as upset though since he has no job in life vs with Sadie I really hope to ride many miles on her.    I hope to avoid doing allergy shots with Sadie, but I'm thankful there is that option.   Wish I knew how worried should I be with her.  I might have to switch horses around and not let Sadie graze in the pasture but I don't know if the rye is starting the low level allergies or if it is something else.  

Friday, May 17, 2013

Shade and Sadie update

I rode her again today and ponied Grey Moun.  She did not feel bad but I think there is still something not right, noticeable when she trots.    Kept it very short, and then let the horses out to pasture.   Shade and Grey hung back a bit and then went galloping full tilt to catch up to the other horses and race to the bottom of the pasture.   Of course Shade was doing the hard gallop before she even had her knee done.   Showing off is worth a few twinges I guess. 

Sadie is doing pretty well.   I am going to have to find someone who will help me expose her to public trails, water crossing and stuff like that.  Theoretically I should already have that since L comes out and rides Lady but alas it is not so.  When I'm on Sadie and Lady has to be the lead mare L is all nervous that Lady will spook.   I think this is mainly from C coming off Razz and one time Lady did act all goofy about the neighbor target shooting one time when we went past and kind of rammed L when L was off and leading her but still Lady is not a spooky horse unless the rider is freaking her out, and thankfully she is not terribly sensitive to that or she'd be acting crazy all the time and L would quit riding altogether but I still have to find someone who will intro a greenie to trail experiences. 

Of course the other option I SHOULD have if I were willing to go slow is also kaput because dad has never bothered to put a bit more training on Razz to get him to the point of being a steady lead horse.  I mean I have pretty good tolerance for horses that give a little startle at dumb shit when they are in the lead with Shade and Grey as my 'older, lead the way' horses, but they both will cross water for me and while they startle, they very very rarely go into a big crybaby I can't go there it is too scary mode, so while they don't set a a perfect steady Eddy example they will lead the way and green horses learn that they won't get eaten on trails.

So now I have to try to contact endurance acquaintances and see if any of them will babysit Sadie her first few times.   Hopefully I am in the trail riding intro clinic for memorial weekend.  I must remember to call Jo tonight,  I have not had any followup email from her. 

 Wish I was closer to sister, we could babysit each other on the green horses.  She especially would be babysitting me, since Ramsey is so good about crossing any water and almost any other kind of trail obstacle and I think her young horses have more trail experience than Sadie does.   But 500 miles apart, that is not happening either.  

Saturday, May 11, 2013

random blather

Its kind of funny.  I am so angry at liberals choking this country.  I cannot even bring myself to post a one liner good for you to a gal who is getting back into riding after having quite a few years of being too nervous to ride after moving near childhood home and having mommy and old buddies to hold her hand now just because she is a flaming liberal.  Well not just because,  I guess because she is a flaming liberal AND her husband is in the military --and getting fairly nice teaching gigs too.  

 Well I should not assume that her husband is really patriotic, wanting to preserve the country as it was founded etc just because he's military but boy it rankles me when a military spouse runs down the political group that would like to give the military enough funds to operate as safely as possible vs Barry and the Code Pink idiouts , with their illegal war in Libya which the so-called anti-war group just ignored.   Then Barry and the State Dept liberals set up trouble in the Middle East with the so-called Arab Spring crap while squeezing the military budget to fund a few more vote buying handouts.  

 I say group not party because lately it feels like a good chunk of the GOP is happy as a pig in slop at the prospect of being the minority party but of expanded government the DNC is pushing vs wanting to win control and then shrink the government to a sustainable level like their core constituents want. 

But I get along ok with the liberal who rides my sort of rescue mare.   She is suffering cognitive dissonance.   Yesterday we commiserated on the amnesty bill, and how illegals are exempted from the laws etc  and yet she thinks Barry is so smart and even Biden is smart and of course the Dems have a better vision for the country......   I guess with her working in 'craft services' and her DH a teacher I have a bit more tolerance for being Dem out of inertia vs the milatary wife (who was indoctrinated, getting a teaching degree although I think she's a SAHM)  --of course the liberal that rides my horse can't go to a board moderator and get my comments deleted when I tell her stuff the MBM and crooked Dems are doing. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

I have to ride Shade this weekend

I'm half scared to ride her, that she will still be off somewhere.  And maybe I'm a bit scared that she'll seem fine and I'll swing back to 'maybe she can do a couple of easier 50s' when it would be calmer for me if she is off, but just barely and can do trail riding but needs to retire from endurance.   Swinging back and forth from "can she, should I try or is it asking too much from my little steel Magnolia" to Aaack is she even going to be good for lighter trail riding is wearing on me. 

And Sadie definitely could use lots of riding and exposure to new things so if its a definite "Shade should take it easier and Sadie is the only endurance horse now"  that would be good incentive to keep focusing on Sadie and push past my nerves or whatever and get busy setting up some lessons, hauling her out to trail ride away from home etc. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Well Shade got her knee, fetlock and pastern injected, no surgery

Shade is home. They didn't find any bone chips on x-ray at CSU. She got a full work-up with nerve blocks and flexion tests, a couple more x-rays of the knee + x-rays of her fetlock, pastern and hoof and then joint injections of knee, fetlock and pastern. A week off and back to work.

 She is laying in the sun this morning. Seems bright and alert. I decided not to give her bute until tonight so she might be a bit sore from all the needles; the bute shot she got last night from the vet has probably worn mostly off. I of course am worrying but trying to be reasonable and not borrow trouble unless it actually arrives. I was so tired last night I barely checked on the horses last thing at night.

After getting home from CSU around 7 pm;  I had to shuffle horses around to put Shade in a small run attached to a stall for her stall rest,  wanting her to rest meant also moving Grey to an adjacent run so Shade would not just fret, and then meant moving CJ to Grey and Shade's old pen so I could put the mini's in CJ's pen across the wide alley from the runs so they wouldn't keep agitating Shade and Grey Moun with their squealing excitement and sticking their little noses through the gates at having new horses etc.  I went to the house and pretty much collapsed at that point.

 I'm going to have to make more riding time since Shade is not getting a few months lay off after surgery. I will probably go back to seeing if I can do one 50 this year and one next year for the decade horse thing and mainly focus on Sadie. At six, it is time for her to step up and become the main riding horse anyway.

Saturday update

Today Shade was very impatient to be moved to the bigger pen so she could run around some and visit with RazzMo and the mares over the fence. I'm very happy I was just doing the senseless worry thing. Now if blogspot will leave my paragraph breaks in place. It gets all discombobulated when I copy and paste things in.