Friday, May 17, 2013

Shade and Sadie update

I rode her again today and ponied Grey Moun.  She did not feel bad but I think there is still something not right, noticeable when she trots.    Kept it very short, and then let the horses out to pasture.   Shade and Grey hung back a bit and then went galloping full tilt to catch up to the other horses and race to the bottom of the pasture.   Of course Shade was doing the hard gallop before she even had her knee done.   Showing off is worth a few twinges I guess. 

Sadie is doing pretty well.   I am going to have to find someone who will help me expose her to public trails, water crossing and stuff like that.  Theoretically I should already have that since L comes out and rides Lady but alas it is not so.  When I'm on Sadie and Lady has to be the lead mare L is all nervous that Lady will spook.   I think this is mainly from C coming off Razz and one time Lady did act all goofy about the neighbor target shooting one time when we went past and kind of rammed L when L was off and leading her but still Lady is not a spooky horse unless the rider is freaking her out, and thankfully she is not terribly sensitive to that or she'd be acting crazy all the time and L would quit riding altogether but I still have to find someone who will intro a greenie to trail experiences. 

Of course the other option I SHOULD have if I were willing to go slow is also kaput because dad has never bothered to put a bit more training on Razz to get him to the point of being a steady lead horse.  I mean I have pretty good tolerance for horses that give a little startle at dumb shit when they are in the lead with Shade and Grey as my 'older, lead the way' horses, but they both will cross water for me and while they startle, they very very rarely go into a big crybaby I can't go there it is too scary mode, so while they don't set a a perfect steady Eddy example they will lead the way and green horses learn that they won't get eaten on trails.

So now I have to try to contact endurance acquaintances and see if any of them will babysit Sadie her first few times.   Hopefully I am in the trail riding intro clinic for memorial weekend.  I must remember to call Jo tonight,  I have not had any followup email from her. 

 Wish I was closer to sister, we could babysit each other on the green horses.  She especially would be babysitting me, since Ramsey is so good about crossing any water and almost any other kind of trail obstacle and I think her young horses have more trail experience than Sadie does.   But 500 miles apart, that is not happening either.  

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