Friday, December 21, 2012

Reclaiming culture?

Well I don't know much about culture but we have got to step up at some point and say: There is no such thing as a neutral journalist, that's an idiotic notion.   We should have each party pick some journalists and set rules that so many questions be taken from each party's journalist pool during government press conferences.   Maybe 60/40 Dem/GOP now since they have the WH and more senators. .   But it is way way past time to stop pretending that George Steffenoupolis is neutral.  All journalists should be like Rush and admit their biases.  Of course they can't be trusted right now so the Democrat party and GOP party should each choose a set of journalists so the public can at least hear questions from both points of view. 

ballot amendments I would like to see

1.  Do away with early voting.  Instead of trying to push photo ID to vote, lets push indelible ink and one day voting.    Require that mail ballots be mailed out only (may already be in place, but if not it should be)

2.  Any church, school or business that wants to be "gun free" zone must provide (armed?) security guards.

3. Personhood amendments should drop life begins at conception and set "personhood begins at 16 weeks" as the language to start (moving to drop to 12 weeks --the original court with saying no restrictions in first trimester had it about right)   -- wiki is probably not very accurate, they are saying the SCOTUS amended this to don't restrict before viability.   I know some states allow abortions that late but I don't think all states have been forced to follow that, perhaps the SCOTUS went to 16 or 20 weeks as the cut off point"   I need to know what the current law is.  

  I think we should never outlaw "plan B" BC pills cocktails and probably not RU-486 or whatever that acts up to 8 weeks, but I cringe that as the state we now say "oh ignore the fact that your fetus is kicking etc and looks just like a baby already, you can still have it removed as if he or she is just a tumor"    Let ILL and NY continue that if they like but states that value life should be able to restrict abortion to first trimester and maybe to first 8 weeks sometime in future.

4.  I would like my state to come up with some right to work amendments.   I think the idea has matured and even though we failed to pass them in the past a well written one could pass now, we have GOT to try to crimp the MSM/DNC funding pipelines wherever we can.  

  OK this does not belong in this post but leaving for now.

 I doubt it is ever possible to go back to once the floodgate of "everyone should get to vote" gets opened but only the people that FUND the government should be getting to vote.    No this would not end all medicaid, welfare and etc.   It would let the people who have to pay for things decide how best to balance "we gain quality of life by not having streets clogged with beggars, but we don't want to be bribing people to quit jobs either"    Having folks that only consume resources saying "give us more goodies if you want our votes" kills societies, going back to before the Roman empire.    I hope a future  society implements the wisdom of the U.S. founders.  I think land owner to vote will not be the way to implement it in future but there needs to be something that limits voting to those that are contributing to the government coffers.  

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Senseless Conn. tragedy

I'm still reluctant to search for info on it thanks to all the false 'facts' the media released on friday; although I'm pretty curious about a number of things.

When was the divorce?   Did dad desire to hospitalize the mentally ill son and mom refused?

I did read a story yesterday or this morning that said (don't recall if any sources were named) that the mom had realized she could not cope with son any more and was looking at the steps it would take to hospitalize him and the sources guessed that probably sent him into the murderous level of rage.

Gun safe?  My gut feeling is she probably had one and after son attempted to buy a gun at a local Dicks but was refused he searched until he found where the combination was written or stored on computer,  most accounts say he was brainy.

Should high round magazines be limited?   My feeling is that a non insane person can achieve good defense with clips of 10 or less.  Would having to change clips more often have saved any lives from this crazy bastard?  Who knows, probably not,  but it might be useful if there was an armed guard on campus to intercept crazies.   I don't think any citizen resistance against a regime going Stalinist depends on high round magazines  -- I suspect good hunting scopes that allow 'sniper' actions on bureaucrats and their propagandists who felt themselves out of reach would be much more effective a counter to a state that tried to go totalitarian than being able to fire 30 rounds rather than 10 or even 6. 

I think the bigger issue for "OMG it was kids getting shot" is that we encourage the state to gather large groups of precious children into facilities where they are sitting ducks and at the same time discourage having armed security because we don't want to frighten them.     The large groups are probably not good for developing independent thinkers anyway but if we are going to cluster large amounts of kids together they should have a security guard,  seems to work in Israel.

A lot of people think 'mental health drugs' can cause these issues.    I don't know,  the article about the poor mom having decided she needed to commit the psycho son sounded like he was not taking anything.     The groups that gets those drugs has problems in the first place,  maybe the drugs do cause murderous rage to become more dominant than abject fetal ball depression or intense craving for nicotine in some cases....  Really, comes back to this: the only way to maintain some measure of safety is to be able to shoot down psychos that snap and are actively harming/trying to harm innocent lives.

  We could give the state free(er) rein to institutionalize and in some cases we are too lax now but a lot of crazies do not go around shoving strangers and shouting in their faces first and then escalate, they just plot a mass murder and make their attempt to carry it out.   The theater shooter in Aurora was in a grad school program.   Some lower functioning psychos would have been committed before they snapped and hacked someone with a knife back before the ACLU won a series of court cases making it harder to commit people against their wills but I don't know how many of these planners would be netted ahead of time. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Looking forward to a 4-day weekend

Think I'll take the 24th off.  I have plenty of PTO and I never get anything done when I try to work that  day.   I've worked for this outfit for nearly 20 years and it still strikes me as odd that we get 10 holidays but Christmas eve is not one of them.   I suppose I should be grateful that Dec 25th still is.  Otherwise we get most of the postal holidays  --not veterans day cuz we're so peacefully pc ::)  and we get 2 paid days at Thanksgiving.

I should have gotten holiday cards ready to send this weekend but spent too much mental energy getting my p/u batteries charged so I could drive it, since its not good for a diesel to go too long w/o driving.   I think I'm going to have to replace the alternator on it AGAIN.  3rd time in 4 years.   The batteries seem to take a charge, although may not hold it real good anymore but I haven't replaced them since I bought the p/u so I will replace them and the battery cables, maybe do that first but I put the charger on the p/u an hour after I got home and it showed it had less charge then before driving so I suspect that means the alternator is shot.   I'll ask the mechanic if its possible to put a heavier than stock alternator on it too.  

Thursday, December 13, 2012

I've got the blahs

Thankfully its only 8 more days until Dec 21.    More light will help lighten my mood.  Plus I wouldn't mind a bit if the Mayan calendar aligned with a new period either.   The period where my country was at least somewhat following the constitution and striving to have equal laws for all is gone.  I can't convince myself lately that we swung back after previous extra legal actions from Wilson,  FDR et al so we still might swing back to equal protection under the law. 

I look at democrats and can barely be civil some days.  I want to scream at them "WHY are you destroying this country?,  if you thought it was bad why didn't you just emigrate to wherever you thought was better?   where can I go to get what we used to have?  I'd just as soon leave your sorry asses to decline faster w/o my work ethic and bits of charitable impulses if I can find someplace populated by other people who understand reality." 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

American communists, creating a workers utopia by creating a nation that doesn't know how to work

Have to confess I've never waded through the marxist manifesto or anything else that gives an underpinning philosophy for communism but still I think from general knowledge the goal is supposedly to create a world where the workers/proletariat class get a bigger slice of the worlds wealth. So how does bribing urban poor mothers to raise their kids w/o fathers and w/o teaching them minimal life skills, like how to put together a meal for themselves, fix a basic plumbing problem, etc helps create a world that will properly value the 'lower class' for the work they do to keep a society functioning -- when we are creating a group of people that don't know how to do the most basic work?

 Setting up SSDI so that multiple generations grow up being told "you're not mentally capable of working, just take this allowance and show up every couple of years to vote us in or the mean party might take your bennies away from you" Same thing as bribing the mothers to evict the fathers.

Setting up our schools such that teachers can just shove through any student they don't feel like spending time on with C's and these lazy, or bigoted teachers or sometimes good teachers who got burned out because schools cannot expel troublemaker mandatory attendees can not be fired but get to retire early with lifetime guaranteed pensions. How does wrecking education create a world where the workers will be valued?

 What is insane is all the smug upper middle class liberals who vote for politicians to wreck the lower class like this and pat themselves on the back for how compassionate they are being. Funny kind of compassion rigging society so that someone born in the wrong neighborhood is going to be told throughout their life. "you can't succeed so don't bust your back trying, just smoke some dope or drink some cheap booze or take these prescription pills we'll give you that have similar effects and chill out while you watch free-vee, we will take care of you as long as we are able (with overt threats that what will end us being able to take care of you is if the other political party wins)

Now I suspect that if (well I believe it will be when) the SHTF and people have to forage and fend for themselves some of these poor folks will rise to the challenge and cope in spite of being told so often that they aren't capable while a fair # of the pampered rich liberal democrat voting house fraus (some are male these days but seems a useful term) will be shell shocked and will starve. But what a tragic waste of human potential while we flounder along in the meantime.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Have to know your limitations

The cold weekend weather wasn't here yet this morning so I decided to ride Sadie, wind out of the west came up while I saddled and will bring the cold tonight but this is high plains country the little mare is used to wind after 5 years of life so I decided to ride anyway taking my usual route heading east. She was doing OK, a bit angst at going out alone + watching tumble weeds sail by. Not bad but a bit of trying to whirl and turn around mixed with 'not continuing forward' but being correctable so I figured its good exposure. Still I was thinking "I'll probably cut this ride a bit short, maybe just turn left at non-maintained county road and just go a quarter mile north and head back so we don't have to go by the junk next to the road that continues east. There is often some new or moved cardboard and so it gets well eyed even when the air is still. Almost to the corner I see the the neighbors SIL heading out for some target practice in his lot that borders the road I'm on and he fires towards the road that would be my left turn. I guess he was going to get some practice in windy conditions. Sadie does not have Shade's deep fear of gunfire but she gets a little fussed by nearby bangs. So I decided I would cut the ride very short and turn around before he even started his target practice. Little mare may be 5 and have experienced lots of wind but she hasn't got a whole lot of miles under saddle. Then I got to convince Sadie that we were not going to run home. She was again not bad, started cantering a few times and fairly up and down strides a couple times but not bucking and I just reminded myself not to haul back on the reins with both hands and give her something to brace on, just asked her to slow to trot with LH/RH squeeze and release on the reins and she did. I was wondering if she would stand to let me dismount when we got back, but she did after just a couple circles. She figured she deserved horse treats afterwards and I concurred.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Who is John Galt?

I was in a bad mood this morning. Painting project I left to L looked awful to me when I got home last night. What I get for leaving it to her judgement on whether to go with mom's thought of purple accent wall. Well can't say I did not give it a chance now. Plus the weather was fine but I'd thought it would be cold and sort of implied I'd be at work semi-early to move project along. Finally I decided "pbbbttt" on work, they all laze off taking PTO at their whims, why should I pass on riding when its predicted to be too cold this weekend and probably early next week as well. So I rode Shade and brightened my mood considerably. I have got to work on fostering my inner Galt and refusing to be the thinker/doer that keeps things tottering along and letting guilt, sense of obligations drive me vs rational thinking about my own future.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Did ride twice this weekend...

But I feel like such a sluggard. Had some things I thought I should do but didn't get to any of them. Oh well eventually I'll do all the essential stuff.