Thursday, December 13, 2012

I've got the blahs

Thankfully its only 8 more days until Dec 21.    More light will help lighten my mood.  Plus I wouldn't mind a bit if the Mayan calendar aligned with a new period either.   The period where my country was at least somewhat following the constitution and striving to have equal laws for all is gone.  I can't convince myself lately that we swung back after previous extra legal actions from Wilson,  FDR et al so we still might swing back to equal protection under the law. 

I look at democrats and can barely be civil some days.  I want to scream at them "WHY are you destroying this country?,  if you thought it was bad why didn't you just emigrate to wherever you thought was better?   where can I go to get what we used to have?  I'd just as soon leave your sorry asses to decline faster w/o my work ethic and bits of charitable impulses if I can find someplace populated by other people who understand reality." 

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