Wednesday, December 12, 2012

American communists, creating a workers utopia by creating a nation that doesn't know how to work

Have to confess I've never waded through the marxist manifesto or anything else that gives an underpinning philosophy for communism but still I think from general knowledge the goal is supposedly to create a world where the workers/proletariat class get a bigger slice of the worlds wealth. So how does bribing urban poor mothers to raise their kids w/o fathers and w/o teaching them minimal life skills, like how to put together a meal for themselves, fix a basic plumbing problem, etc helps create a world that will properly value the 'lower class' for the work they do to keep a society functioning -- when we are creating a group of people that don't know how to do the most basic work?

 Setting up SSDI so that multiple generations grow up being told "you're not mentally capable of working, just take this allowance and show up every couple of years to vote us in or the mean party might take your bennies away from you" Same thing as bribing the mothers to evict the fathers.

Setting up our schools such that teachers can just shove through any student they don't feel like spending time on with C's and these lazy, or bigoted teachers or sometimes good teachers who got burned out because schools cannot expel troublemaker mandatory attendees can not be fired but get to retire early with lifetime guaranteed pensions. How does wrecking education create a world where the workers will be valued?

 What is insane is all the smug upper middle class liberals who vote for politicians to wreck the lower class like this and pat themselves on the back for how compassionate they are being. Funny kind of compassion rigging society so that someone born in the wrong neighborhood is going to be told throughout their life. "you can't succeed so don't bust your back trying, just smoke some dope or drink some cheap booze or take these prescription pills we'll give you that have similar effects and chill out while you watch free-vee, we will take care of you as long as we are able (with overt threats that what will end us being able to take care of you is if the other political party wins)

Now I suspect that if (well I believe it will be when) the SHTF and people have to forage and fend for themselves some of these poor folks will rise to the challenge and cope in spite of being told so often that they aren't capable while a fair # of the pampered rich liberal democrat voting house fraus (some are male these days but seems a useful term) will be shell shocked and will starve. But what a tragic waste of human potential while we flounder along in the meantime.

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