Sunday, October 11, 2015

Just call me the pet apothecary

I often think "I did not envision myself becoming a pet apothecary" but seeing Mia still be playful at 11 with a pin in her leg and Ole also 11 moving pretty good since I changed his mix to include turmeric along with devils claw and just a bit of MSM makes it worthwhile.

That was the FB snapshot.    When I'm hand filling capsules with MSM and the devils claw and turmeric I do feel like "oh boy I'm living the life of an old timey apothecary, but doing it for free for the pets.  I do take turmeric myself in capsules also.   I take my MSM dissolved in tea instead of in capsules cuz cheap and not wanting to swallow a bunch of horse size pills.  But the dogs don't get wet food other than the odd bit of table scraps so they get everything in capsules and wrapped in american cheese to make sure they swallow them.   Mia needs the cheese, she will work pills out if I try to use old weiners or something like that. 

I also use a lot of herbs for horses.  CJ really seems to do better if he gets his "liver herbs", mainly milk thistle with some dandelion and nettle.  Shade gets devils claw with some extras for her arthritis + the previcoxx and turmeric and now Sadie is getting turmeric (supposed to help with horse blood sugar/insulin resistance) + for now valerian root to keep her from overdoing.

Ah yes,  I neglected to post about the vet visit.  No worries of cellulitis but Sadie has a lesion on her superficial tendon.  Probably did it when she did the initial scrape to the inside of her leg, not a bandage bow but she is no riding for 5-6 months and supposed to not race around for 1 month.   Well the first week was a bust for the not racing around.  Having her with CJ was a bust,  she was trotting the fence line and he lunged at and bit her when I gave hay (I thought he was a mellow boss but he was being mean to her)

So I put her out with Tanza and Razz and did that for about a week but in the big pen she runs with Tanza or when he is gone so I put her and Tanza together in CJ's smaller pen and put CJ in with Razz staring on Monday and Sadie is getting the herbal valium type supplement to keep her more quiet so the tendon can do the initial healing w/o her constantly over-doing it.  --I HOPE.    I'm thinking I may drag her along to the ride too to keep her calm although it will be a PITA and she'll probably pace on the high-tie while Tanza is riding.   But she'll be happy when he is at trailer and won't have room to get going fast which is supposed to be the big straining thing on the darn tendon injuries.  

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