Friday, October 22, 2010

Got my glasses fixed and it cured my headaches

Wednesday night I was playing around holding a hand over each eye and thought my cataract might have gotten worse as one side was really blurry, then when I went to brush my teeth before bed I noticed my glasses were really uneven, drooping on the left side. Ahh ha, I have varilux bifocal lenses so I was looking through the distance portion for close reading on the left eye and vice versa. I stopped at kaiser thursday morning and had them fix/adjust my glasses so they sit normally and no more tightness in the back of my head and neck developed. I may have been tipping my head to try to equalize the lenses + I suppose I also had brain strain of compensating for the left eye just seeing fuzz instead of normal vision.

I finally had an email from Sadie's trainer last night too. *I* still have not remembered to call her in the evenings nor just called earlier which she said if she didn't have signal or was busy with a horse she just returns calls. She is probably more of a phone person so I should get over my dislike of calling and giver her a check in call more often. She emailed again this morning. The 'kid' has a snotty nose but trainer didn't think it was serious. I told her I would fetch Sadie if she decided Sadie was contagious and it was a strain to keep her quarantined from the rest of the horses but I wasn't worried about Sadie having a little allergy type snot.

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