Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thank god, I was able to sleep last night

Not to say that I didn't wake up with some pain, but it resolved with reasonable icing/heat applications and then I slept till 6 am when my 6 hr point for ibuprofen was 4:30. My alarm went off and I turned it off instead of hitting snooze. I probably dozed some, but iced and got up in about 1/2 hour. Still felt tired, well I didn't make up much sleep from the 3 hours tuesday night and it was not uninterrupted sleep. So happens that I didn't eat any bread yesterday. So today I am actually committing to avoid bread and as much as possible flour. I wonder if I might be allergic to cinnamon? That is something that I have not been eating regularly for years but had gotten on a bit of cinnamon sugar toast kick and the cst was my preferred snack for taking with the ibuprofen. How ironic would it be if my snack that I took with the NSAIDS was causing the swelling? I refilled a cinnamon container tuesday morning and it was a mess so I did get some extra exposure. Avoiding cinnamon would be a very easy fix to implement and avoiding wheat or possibly just bread (yeast) would not be too bad. I hope I don't come up as allergic to chocolate though.

However *I* still think I most likely have an infection. But my doc doesn't think so unless she changes her mind after the allergy testing. So unless the eliminating wheat works or the allergy testing pinpoints something to eliminate and that makes me feel better my options seem to be: A )get basic antibiotics from my vet under guise of having on hand for the horse and take them --and B) maybe ask sis if the the vet she used to work for would write scripts to order online to get other stuff that my vet would not just hand out to me to have on hand, or C) hope the ENT doc feels there is infection and takes a culture/treats it. I can not just limp along until mid April though so I am going to request the antibiotics from my vet, and I don't think I will wait for the allergy testing to get them although I will probably try to wait until they do the test to start taking them -- it will be good to have them on hand even if food elimination or the allergy testing solves things.

*Well called the vet office and am picking up SMZs to have on hand. My Doc gave me a prescription for percocet and I picked it up just now. Hopefully I will not need to take it much. its only 30 pills, and -'take 1 or 2 every 4 to 6 hours as needed.' Well that is not going to be much help for sleeping through the night if I don't see continued symptom improvement rather than today just being the good day of the 2-day sinus symptom sine wave I seem to have fairly often. I hope I am just allergic and can keep away the monster by not eating wheat or even better by just avoiding cinnamon. Of course all the TV dinners and my backup shelf stable meals contain pasta so if I want to avoid wheat altogether I'll be just snacking on apple, yogurt and having vegatable mix for the entree tonight. Avoiding all wheat or all gluten could be pretty tough, I'll have to stop my lazy TV dinner ways and cook from scratch or I'll only have a handful of selections and I'll be tired of them in no time flat.

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