Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Less stuffy --more sleepy

Would be a reasonable description of my status today. I hope the allergy testing tomorrow shows something. Today I learned that rice does not have gluten and its fairly rare to be allergic to it. Well *IF* I have some sensitivity to wheat or wheat and corn, or all gluten proteins life would be simpler if I can still eat rice freely. I felt like I had a regular headache this morning, it slacked off when I showered. Last night I got a bad headache around midnight, ice was not helpful, heat was. It felt like the pain center was my left eyebrow. Had some more pain a few hours later but not enough to drive me to get up and take pills or apply heat, I think I iced it some and then fell asleep with the dull pain. Well when I finally get this solved I should have extra appreciation for normal health for a few years. In the meantime, thank goodness I have no readers and can whine here w/o getting self conscious about it.

***Oh and politically *** Mitch Daniels is pushing his R majority congress to drop their public union limiting bill :(
Darn I was hoping he was the stealth conservative that could get nominated and win the POTUS race in 2012. Now who do we have? I like Palin but was a bit turned off by the one episode of Sarah Palins AK that I watched. More importantly I believe that much of the country would have to admit that they were lied to by the MarxSpewMedia and change their opinion of her. I don't think people are good about admitting "oops I was wrong" It could only happen if people get the message that the MarxSpewMedia deliberately fooled them. I don't know if that can happen and then there are still some women who won't vote for the 'pretty woman, who didn't slog through as much education as me, therefore must not be as smart and got some of her success by being pretty and thats not fair'. I like Allen West, don't care that he is politically very much a rookie, he served with honor. Or Herman Cain --force the minorities to choose between the marxist 1/2 black vs the conservative black candidate. I'm a bit afraid that Cain may be another Ross Perot or at least might be painted as such by the media and stymied in the GOP primary, and I don't know him -- he may be another squish like Daniels. Could Romney get elected in general and is he a much better conservative than I think after the Mass mandatory insurance deal? I think Romney might be electable but if he turned out to be a Bush Sr (41) rather than a Reagan type figure I don't think he saves the country.

Is it even possible to save the country? Can we turn back into a REPUBLIC with a real rule of law, rather than a sort of democracy, where the marxists ignore majority votes when they don't like the results and the government and its protected buddies get to ignore the law?

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