Friday, February 11, 2011

On the positive pendulum swing

I seem to be having good sinus day/bad sinus day cycle going on. Wednesday and today are good sinus days. Good meaning no more than 2 night time headaches and they receded with just heat on wednesday and just ice today as well as remaining on hefty doses of NSAIDS and the NSAIDS + sudafed and mucinex and saline keep headaches gone during the day. If I have a set of good days in a row and the night-time headaches decrease I'll figure I am heading towards recovery. My perspective has changed to where waking up nightly with *A* headache will feel like success unless that headache is a bugger to get rid of.

Just a couple months ago I was taking a good nights sleep for granted; the dog or cat waking me up and or tossing and turning with some worry was an annoyance and I would shut the pets out of my room if sleep had been interrupted too much and I wanted to have an uninterrupted night and I was thinking I needed to figure out what to do for mattress so I could stop taking naproxen almost nightly after having gotten to a point of using it only for a bit of weekend warrior over exertion type stuff with my back or neck. Now I am taking so much NSAIDS for my sinus that my back and neck aren't evening complaining about sleeping on a wedge of pillows and I have been skipping MSM most days.

and HURRAY I got new division orders today. The oil royalty company got the stipulation and drew up the new papers. I stopped at the post office to mail them back because the envelope I found was oversized and I didn't want to guess wrong on the postage. I am so glad that this should be the final step I need to take with that. Trying to be fair to the sibs was an annoying tar baby to get handled to the end but at least it should be completely done now and mom and dad didn't just buy the rights 2 years ago, I don't think mom would have felt any obligation to share with us kids, she just would have increased her shopping and dr habits.

Geez that sounds so uncharitable but its the perception I have. I am even resenting dad for dragging her to a pain management shrink, I am feeling like that is just throwing money down a different hole. If mom wants to believe she needs to be on antibiotics for months not days I don't care --IF she would just get a horse size bottle of sulfa from Dr Mike, have sis get the vet she used to work for to write a script for amoxicillin and maybe the tuberculosis drug Dr. Mike said he uses on horses with chronic sinus infections and order the stuff from veterinary supply place. But oh no, she cant be happy unless she is getting a human dr to hand her the pills with their stamp of approval even though she has no problem shopping around until she finds one that will give her what she wants if the first 2 or 3 drs say there is no bacterial infection. Waste of money IMO.

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