Friday, February 4, 2011

I have a sinus scan scheduled for wednesday

I think I need to call my dr and beg for an anti-inflammatory to get me through. I hate doing it and will mean swinging to a pharmacy yet again if she gives me a prescription but I am sitting on couch trying to distract myself from headache which is not intense. So tired of hot packs and icing that I resist doing them until I'm hurting and tylenol + ibuprofen or alleve is not making much dent. The prednisone was helping. Wasn't getting me through nights on the 1 pill dose but I had good afternoons. I was headache free till 5am this morning and thought oh thank god; the Zpack AB is working again but now am having headaches once I'm up. Took last prednisone I had yesterday and the bute bottle is starting to seem appealing but my vet has told me its very hard on human kidney or liver or both. I know jockeys who used it too freely ruined their organs but vet made it sound like just a few times would be trouble. I have some trouble believing that when its prescribed SO freely for horses, I rather think herbivores are less likely to need really great kidney or livers.

*** Well its 4pm. Reluctance to phone has carried the day. Hopefully I don't regret it this weekend. I am in such a fog that I realized about 11:30 that I had not taken sudafed yet which I take around 10-10:30. I don't know how much it helps but I did start feeling less stuffy after I took it. Maybe I need to take extra of that for a few days. Wonder if we have some prednisone at home from Ludwig. I don't recall seeing any. But I might have to dig a bit if I feel crappy over the weekend. I got a holiday letter written, should prep cards for the sibs and mail tonight. I am not hurting --took tylenol on dot of 6 hours from last dose and 3 hours after ibuprofen dose -- but I feel tired and foggy headed.

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