Saturday, February 5, 2011

Icing things today

I have been just icing when sinus pain flares the last 2 times and its worked. Supposed to snow after noon today. At least I am not missing good riding weather. I have to heave myself off the couch and go hay the horses. I am going to try avoiding bread today. I don't think its related to the specific foods but I have been having a headache after eating breakfast and drinking my tea in the morning. Then I get to try to minimize tipping my head down while I pick up hay to feed.

The post office in Boulder no longer has a stamp vending machine that takes cash. I left my wallet, with sheet of stamps, at home yesterday, I forgot to replace it after fetching it to schedule scan. Stopping at the post office with intent to buy 2 stamps from the vending machine and drop cards off and then finding it was a wasted trip was a mini synopsis of my week.

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