Saturday, December 4, 2010

trying to get up some ambition

It was gray this morning and I checked the forecast, not very warm and I rode yesterday so 'maybe I should just go to work today' get some stuff done in case we trek to ND to pile in on the relatives. I am faced with a very big task at work, I should be angry at the supervisor for that project (so much fun having 3 bosses/3 jobs btw) because he led me to think 'oh thats already done' all I need to do is work on plots. NOT. However I am just feeling meh rather than angry.

I put CJ in with Sadie and Lady this morning. He walked out of his pen when I left the gate open to fish ice out of water trough. I was thinking he needs to join a group to simplify farm sitting chores if we go to ND anyway. He and Grey have been squealing over the fence. Grey already got his foot over the electric 'rope' fence one, jerked free I don't think he did much of a rope burn. Danged gelding is so stupid in his old age. He has always been a bit of a pill to push boundaries when put in with strange horses and I swear he is less mindful of dangers and more pushy now than when he had the excuse of being 'young and dumb'.

Perhaps he feels like he is not the main mount and can be stupid now, since Shade is the endurance horse. But dangit while I am fine with Grey being practically retired already I DO want to be able to take him on the hunting trips and be able to hop on him just for grins a few times a year like I used to do with Cindy so I sure wish he would knock it off with the daring injury to happen crap.

I am ready to run away from home Ole wise today. He wanted to go out to see about the horse squealing, thinks he should have a run today and I am inclined to run off to work and not mess with dogs, etc etc. I kind of like dogs but really I would rather not have any that have much attachment to me. Like if I was married and the DH had a dog that was really his dog. Ole is officiallly the parents dog but they are so lazy about exercising dogs etc that he kind of thinks he belongs to all of us --plus its his street dog personality to think he belongs to every human in the universe anyway. *I* would not have chosen that dog personality because we have neighbors and they don't like visiting dogs, but we let dad choose the dog after mom brought home the little japanese breed dog that had some fear of men and nipped dad and had to be returned to the stupid shelter.

Afternoon update. Well dad went shopping or something so I punted on going to work. Mom is dragging around again so I really cannot see us going to ND but I need to get an answer so I can plan on either having to get stuff done ahead of time or not. I would rather go in Feb I think. Of course if its nice here in Feb I won't feel that way but December is so busy for people, I hate to drop in for a visit with relatives we are not all THAT close with and the way dad seems to only be awake 6-8 hours a day, mom is moaning with head pain every other day and I'd be stressed about work I do not thing we would be a positive for sister recuperating from surgery.

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