Friday, December 3, 2010


really is there any reason to elaborate on that? But I don't want to do real work just yet.

I had a fun ride this morning. I guess I'm twisted because the wind was blowing and Shade was a bit jumpy from the tumbling tumbleweeds but when one stays horse side up and the wind is not damp and raw its just exhilarating to ride in it. Ole was a good boy and I did not have to get off and grab his leash at all. I really did not want to since Shade was jumpy I figured I'm safer if I just stay riding instead of trying to lead both her and the dog :P.

I was so late I thought about just grabbing lunch at home then but nothing looked good in fridge or cupboard so I just grabbed a jalopeno burger and root beer float at the drive through. Much richer meal than I needed. Dragged into work and have semi-panic emails from the sys admin because results aren't getting posted until 30 minutes after the hour. So I tell him its because one of the networks is down for data access and get my boss to nudge the agency. Then get some coffee, do some snooping and find the agency had just fixed the data about 20 minutes before I had my boss email them. OOPS. :( So write another email thanking the staff I had emailed yesterday for fixing the data and cc'ing everyone my boss had emailed. I did not mention that the data was available before extra email was sent. Not feeling too badly about nagging the agency because data went down at 5 am yesterday, I notified them a little after noon and they only got it going again around noon today. Usually unless they had some big internet or power outage they can restore data flow much quicker than that.

I am reading "South" Earnest Shackleton's account of his Antarctic adventure. That is a good book for a "geeze don't feel sorry for yourself" message. His ship gets trapped in ice so they can't land and do the planned trek across Anarctica, then the ice destroys the ship so he must turn his energy into getting all the crew to civilization. Well I am not doing the book justice, but there are points where he realizes he should have made a different decision someways back on his journey. But he just notes this and goes on with recounting the steps taken from WHERE THEY ARE to hunt food, maintain morale and be ready to make for land that will be 200-300 miles away in some small boats that they had on board the ship for excursions and safety measure when the ice melts and they have open water. I am only 30% through the book so I guess they run into a lot more 'adventure' before they are done.

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