Wednesday, December 22, 2010

All I want for xmas ...

Is to stay home and enjoy my horses. Well I will get that on christmas day so enough with my whining. Its no use wishing the parents would have traveled w/o me; If wishes were cars beggars would drive (modifying the old saying because beggars certainly couldn't afford to feed horses in this day and age)

I need to buckle down and get some work tasks done. I have some routine ones I can do even while my brain remains stuck in idle. Grey got his second shot of penicillin today. I skipped last night but dad was up this morning so I made him hold the twitch so I could give a rump shot. So tonight I can give Grey a shot in the neck and I should be able to do that solo. I will try to get 2x/daily shots in him for at least 3 days.
Every morning when I feed I am bringing over 2 bales of hay for P to feed while we are gone. We got some hay this summer that is really nice and the bales feel about 10 lbs heavier than what I've been taking off the stack delivery we got from another grower. So I'm bringing that over since I wont have P graining except maybe AJ and I will not be worried about them having enough if its a bit colder. By sunday morning when I feed before we take off I should have 16 bales to cover the feedings while we are gone.

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