Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Arrived home to Christmas lights last night

So I guess dad was all depressed about not going to ND, and mom is also getting some bounce out of the thought of going. Merry Christmas parents. Saturday dad went to a gun show and did shopping therapy as well. What a pity mom only wants to go if the alternative is staying home by herself and covering chores and dad wouldn't even think of just going by himself. He is retired and could have spent 2-3 weeks if he went by himself and he was driving a big semi over the road until a couple years ago so its not like he has any concerns about driving long distances - but it does not even occur to him that he could just travel on his own. Men are such big babies, sis and I drive back and forth solo all the time and even mom drove up to by herself to spend time with grandma and visit HS friends a few years ago. Oh well I did decide I would do the trip as a present to him and I need to keep considering it in that light and honestly I'm not going to mind being away from the office for a bit, although I expect I'll be trying to log in and check on and launch jobs almost daily but ~ an hour and not in the stupid office vs all day and going in so I can be more productive with multiple screens and full copy/paste will still be a pretty good break.

Plus this SHOULD keep me focused and productive instead of being just a chair warmer in the office which often happens when I'm not taking PTO the day(s) before the official holiday and everyone else is taking off. The lunar eclipse was cool last night. When the eclipse was full the moon was visible in red.

I still can't decide on giving Grey a round of penicillin. His dumb knee is still draining. Well I think he had a mini abscess that blew out. No heat, swelling or soreness so I have only been making sure it can keep draining, but because I wont be around to see if starts to look bad I am wondering if I should just give a round of antibiotics and its too late for the tucoprim, I wouldn't even be around to give him a week let alone the 10 days I'd want.

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