Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Arghhh! I think that stupid gelding wants to be lame

When he and CJ were acting tough over the fence Grey managed to give himself a poke right over his knee. I did not think it was too bad and just left it. Well I guess I should have flushed it and made sure it would drain and probably given the jerk ANOTHER round of antibiotics because his knee is swollen today. I was just going to slop some povidone salve on it but I couldn't find that jar and stumbled on the jar of dmso and the jar of furacin while I was searching --so I figured I was being given a sign and put a telfa pad with too much dmso/furacin mix gooped up on it over the poke spot and a couple wraps of vet wrap and elastic tape. I had so much excess greasy mixture I had to cut off 10 inches of elastic tape that came unwound before I had even finished taking my second wrap with the tape at the bottom of the bandage. So I will not be shocked if the bandage is around his fetlock or completely gone by tomorrow morning.

I had my monthly chiro appt this morning and when Dr T asked me how I was I said my back was tight and I was blaming it on my gelding for seeking out injuries in his old age when he is supposed to be old and wise enough to avoid dumb injuries.

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