Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ahh, I think I needed a work free weekend

I rode Lady yesterday. I need to get my butt in gear and assemble what paperwork I have for her and get a brand inspection. She is not a rookie mount but would be perfect for an experienced rider with some physical limitations --Like N, the teen that had her until the P/R/O team as I like to call them ruined the economy and they couldn't afford to keep her GRRR. But Lady will test a rider a bit but it takes SOOO little strength to correct her with a leg or rein and she is a pretty smooth ride.

Rode the bay girls today. I really noticed Shade being pokey today. She was having one of her days where it takes her a long time to warm up and be ready to move out and even on the way home was relaxed and grabbing bites. But Shade has a high gear once she gets warmed up and thats FUN. Sadie was pretty good. She was a bit scooty today but immediately checked every time when I reined her up. She is such a good, calm girl, she is giving me confidence to continue playing with the long lining with her. Jo did such a good job, Sadie has no concerns about the lines bumping around her back legs and she stops nicely on the rein pressure and then lets me get directly behind her and ask for a step back. Sadie actually trotted a step or two a couple times when I was asking for a more forward walk when I climbed in the saddle for a few minutes. I checked her up though, I did not feel ready for speed when she was a bit scooty generally and I just have not felt she feels solid enough balancing me to be ready for faster gait. I don't want her to bobble in case she would decide that was a reason to buck. I don't have too much confidence I could ride out very much of a rodeo.

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