Monday, December 20, 2010

I rode my Ayrab mares on sunday

Weather gave me a wonderful gift of warm, sunny and no wind. So I was surprised that Shade was acting like a snorty, spooky thing that only a crazy lady would ride. Oh well she has to have her ayrab days. I stayed on and didn't feel like anything got wrenched.

Was a couch potato for a bit and then rode Sadie and she was in Ayrab mode too. She did her first acting out under saddle. First, while we were still on ground work she was giving some big snorts and she acted like a tumbleweed in the arena was going to eat her, especially when I picked it up and held it for a bit before walking over to the fence and tossing it over. Then she was snorty about the corners near the road and did actually come hopping out of them a couple of times. She pulls up really easily thank god since I'm just in the wintec dressage saddle. Its a deep seat, and grippy suede but no swells to help if a horse gets raunchy. I was annoyed after the second time and made MS Sadie trot under saddle for her first time. Which resulted in another bit of run/hop ing when I tried to keep her going until she got into a rhythm. So one last bit of trotting and I asked her to stop after 1/2 a lap and stopped on that semi-good note.

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