Monday, December 13, 2010

mini whine, slight headache

I think the n.s. has pretty well kicked in and it doesn't hurt, just a fuzzy discomfort, but if I cant whine to my blog where can I whine :P

The group potluck and white elephant gift exchange was OK. My gift was last thing taken, OK, just rolling it in a Target shopping bag did not make it very attractive --none of the liberal, save the planet co-workers went for it instead of a traditional wrapped or gift bagged present, well they are libs, they rarely walk their talk :P I almost took it myself to save it from orphanhood but chose to steal an LED flashlight set that someone else had. I hope the group boss is not unhappy with the truffles and chocolate and candy coated blueberries as he ended up taking it off the table. 1st # gift chooser stole the flashlights in turn from me so I wound up with a photo album. Its all right I had had it on my list of possible wants. At least I didn't take a gift off the table that I didn't want and no one else had interest in either, which happened to me at the last WE I had attended a decade ago. I ended up giving the coloring book and magic markers that only write on that paper to my boss at that time after that party. Heh it really was at least a decade ago, now he is dealing with teenagers. I decided then that I would take an opened gift or my own gift at any WE I attend in future.

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