Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I HATE project X

Urk urk urk. What does one do with a boss who pretends one has had data that didn't exit on a cpu you had had access to? I am not so sure data is around at all anymore. Wait until the deadline is looming and then start asking about stuff he earlier told me to never mind that just skip and do this? WTH, I NOT like being set up to be a fall guy. Not like at all.

**New update** data has been found (sort of ) the format is different and the program I was supposedly expected to have run for this unavailable until tuesday dataset can NOT read the new format. I had to google to even be able get started today as the PI was usual unhelpful self telling me to look where I already had which was missing one of the new variables and then pointing me to one of those doc pages that might as well be in greek for all they good they do. Thankfully google pulled up a program that dumped some basic information including the CHANGED ?! name of the matrix section of the binary file --too bad the old format had a 2*21 dimension and the new file's format is 10*10. That aint working and I don't have clue one about which of those 100 values are needed now or should they all be used and interpolated to 7*7. Why only 21 used before etc etc. I'm not fond of just doing black box processing but have been doing only that with this project as it seems so complicated. I'm going to request not to be a co-author on report and any paper. I am not comfortable with the amount of data massaging, it may well be fine but since I don't understand all the math and statistics of it I dont want to appear to 'sign off ' on it in any way.

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