Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ugh, this stupid state! --better now but still stupid

wednesday ** Bennett won it**** rats rats rats. no senate race in 2012 and I believe Udall is a better politician so the state will probably have 2 liberal senators for the next 6 years. --especially if we get a good conservative presidential candidate who wins in 2012 ( or even a medium campaigner 'moderate' republican will probably appeal to the nation in 2012 ---please don't be wishful thinking, and please let us have a truly fiscal conservative who will have some national security sense. Still I had better prepare 'bunker' in WY. The entitlements and entitlement mentality are not just going to gently release their death grip on the country.

Well at least its not Bennett ahead by 5% but the senate race is too close to call at 1 AM on Nov 3. Buck leads by less than 7K votes still nearly 1K precincts not reporting yet and some are in liberal urban (ie DUMB areas)

R's do win Sec of state race, AG, and state treasurer -yay. 2 districts swing from D to R here for U.S. house. (3 remain blue, we should have been able to flip one of those, need a really great candidate in 2012)

***below in my rant at 9 pm.

Wisconsin came to senses but CO is going to elect Bennett --unless the early results are heavily urban weighted, but 5%. I think the scare the women crap must have worked enough. This is as much 'thumb in your eye tea party rebels' for not choosing the nice safe establishment Norton person as the 25 million Soros et al poured into the state IMO and I am not happy about it.

But then the state is so STUPID they are voting down amendment 63 to block Colorado from enforcing any Obama care provisions so far. Fucking bunch of socialist whiners much?!

Frazier is loosing to Perlmutter too. and it looks like we will lose Sec of state as well as Hickenlooper is governor. --he is over 10% ahead. Will the state legislature get swung back to R at least? Arghhh!!! Caring about elections sucks.

On a happier note several congressional races are going GOP. Nanzi WILL lose her gavel and with some luck there will be a bigger flip than in 1994. Just no celebration for me stuck in an idiot state until I retire or unless start my own business --could I overcome my laziness and do it?

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