Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I used a saline pad on Grey Moun's cut today

I have been worried about infection starting because he seems so tender with it, and the location with cut extending to his frog is just horrible for getting contaminants in there. So I changed his wrap today and put a surgical pad soaked with saline next to the owie. I may change wraps again tomorrow and then every 2 days for a bit. Works better with my schedule and this first pad is probably full of wonder dust from the edges of the cut and so on. He ate some of his feed from yesterday but did not finish it so I syringed him a dose of tucoprim. I may have to stop by the vet clinic tomorrow or thursday and get some more since both Grey and CJ are getting it right now. I should also buy another bunch of vet wrap or flexus bandage wrap as I'm using nearly a whole roll every time I change the wrap. It is raining in Boulder. Usually I hope for us to get some rain at home too but I'd rather it stay dryer with this cut. Oh well whatever will happen will happen.

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