Monday, November 15, 2010

Grey Moun casualty on hunting trip

Hopefully not a serious casualty. Perhaps I should have Dr Mike out. It does not feel like there is anything to be done by the veterinarian at this point but I am not sure what I am dealing with. Grey did not seem real sore on saturday when he did it but he was a bugger today when I changed the bandage. Oh well, for now I am going with wrapping it for now and see what things look like after a few every other day wrap changes. I don't like that the cut goes into his frog/back of his hoof area. He would not eat his tucoprim this morning so I gave him a penicillin jab, which he stood for with only a shoulder twitch.

Perhaps he was sensing my mood. I was not happy with getting my nose jabbed by his hock when I was trying to clean out the cut and my general feeling of not knowing just what to do for this injury. I can deal with it taking months for Grey to heal up; but I don't know if I can deal with the possibility of not healing up at all right now.

I guess I should have stated that Grey was injured on saturday when I STUPIDLY tried to get him to go past Vern's elk carcass instead of just going around thru the brush and Grey got into the fence on the other side of the elk. I KNEW better than to try to push it and went around on thursday but I had to be dumb on saturday. Poor Grey, paying for my dumb mistake.

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