Monday, November 22, 2010


Mom " I stayed home and took care of CJ and the farm and cooked two meals so you could have FUN hunting, so the least you could do is give CJ his medicated grain since I'm sick"

riiiggghhhhtttt: Taking care of horses up there, riding just a bit and trying not to get chilled while sitting around waiting for elk to come past was FUN. Not to mention the joys of white knuckle driving home on slick roads. Sis and I didn't do a fun trail riding trip this year because dad was talking about doing the MaahDaahHey trail and then mom wanted that to definitely wait until she might be healthy enough to to along --yeah, like she was going to get healthy enough to commit to something that would keep her away from her boob tube for that long. We are talking about someone that watched European and sucky college football on gorgeous weather days instead of riding even before she had any health issues.

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