Tuesday, November 16, 2010

missed it by this much

I was all set to wrap up stupid mineral rights stuff tonight but found I did not have check blanks. I thought I had grabbed a box and put in my purse in case I had to write a check for something during the hunting trip. Oh well, now I must write a check tonight.

I must also make some fudge for my SA sailor. Gulp I believe its been over 3 weeks since any letter or anything. I cant decide if I need to just not get a new soldier adoptee when this one's deployment is finished or if it will be easier if I can believe that chips and jerky will be much welcomed treats with a field soldier as opposed to someone on a ship whose list had no food items on it. Its always hard going through letter writing motions when I feel like my letters are so boring to them.

Mom just called and wants a rent check. Now I must figure out what is the last month I paid. So much fun not having a set due date or receipts, just my carbons of my checks. Yeah I should keep better track of my spending in general but "I should" do a whole lot of things that I dont.

Blargh, I am not messing with the KP survey tonight. I may well pitch it. If I haven't canceled my plan with them or sent a complaint I am satisfied enough. I hate companies asking me to take surveys; I waste my time in multiple ways but I resent being asked to give it up taking a dumb old survey.

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