Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

Hasn't been too bad. my work never takes it as a holiday, and I am not very religious and don't take it as PTO either. My desktop has been eating applications recently but I was able to install a new thunderbird last week when it went poof and today I found the MSword program in 'trash' . I need to have the sys admin look at it next week but it doesn't feel urgent like it did before I was able to retrieve the word program. I had to check for Jury duty after 1 pm today and I am on the hook to show up Tuesday at 8 am in Greeley. UGH, I'll have to leave home around 6:30 to make sure I get there in good time, knowing me its quite possible I'll mess up driving there although it should be straight forward. I just have to take business 85 and not the bypass, hopefully the signs and traffic don't confuse me. I may borrow dads GPS jic I do miss that turn.

Horses are good, dogs are still dogs. I didn't put a lead rope on Ole when I hayed this morning so he took it as permission to slip off and find his buddies. I am past even taking it personal. He is just going to wear the lead every time and if he starts slipping off anyway I will install a tie chain in a handy spot. I need to donate to Sarah's PAC. I had thought of just sending small amounts to each opposition candidate the PAC is supporting but I couldn't even find a web page for the one from ND so I'll have to not be a control freak on this. Plus I've gotten like 2-3 campaign MAILERS (not emails) from Scott Brown after donating. I should email the campaign and tell them DUDE -- quit wasting resources on the chick from Colorado, I am not donating for your 30 months out race, especially when I don't even know if you'll be a conservative vote yet.

I'll have to ride from home this weekend. I didn't even try to set up any riding partners cuz I am 'on call' so should be checking on the work CPU's around midday both sat and sun. I need to get cracking for next week though, just to have a dog free ride even if its not much more conditioning than what I'm doing at home.

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