Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stuck on the hump

I suppose I should feel badly. I whined to one board about someone on another board. I did not name names and I really don't feel like I violated norms. I was not abashed when she turned up on board B and responded since I had not said anything untrue or mean. I was just whining about not getting a nod for giving her a prod that her horse was starting to founder. Big whoop, I gave her full credit for getting vet and farrier advise and heeding it after my prod.

I'm not proud of whining, sort of behind someone's back, but it cannot be stretched into back-stabbing, which happens to occur often on board A but I must admit I don't recall this person doing any of that back-stabbing. She is annoying for buying into the DNC class envy scam, but that is half their base, the rest of the DNC base is the guilty wealthy and snooty wealthy that are just sure that someone without their 'superior intelligence' and 'proper education' cannot get by w/o help from the gub'mint. I REALLY HATE that last group. They are bankrupting my country's future generations to stroke their egos.

And I used my injured horse as an excuse not to go to lunch with the co-workers after the all staff meeting. I could have spared the time, waiting for the vet and the bit of wrapping and medicating hasn't taken all that much time out of my week. But I hate those big luncheons, they usually go to a buffet, and I am worrying I'll trip or bump a chair and dump my plate on someone's lap at worst or at minimum dump a spoonful of food on my shirt. That is not my idea of good time. I stuff those paranoia's aside for something like MRER when I'm going to have a great time otherwise and the meal is not the focus. But spend an extra $10+ feeding myself, and having those worries to hang out with a bunch of Dummocrat co-workers? Not my idea of fun; but that is not how I want to RSVP to the admin's when they are trying to get a head count. So I said I was too far behind from having an injured horse. Thanks Cindy, you are a peach (wink).

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