Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Assorted bits from when ISP was out

Some people think Barry is muslim, but he openly eats pork. Ribs last weekend, has said a favorite Hawaii meal involved spam etc. He’s a commie, but is playing the islamists. They are playing him as well. Both the commies and the islamists feel they may be able to swoop in and take the country over after he does as much damage as we allow him to. HOW I would love to ship every commie promoting idiot to Cuba or Africa. Anywhere really but shipping to a poor country might be cost effective. The bribe we would have to give to China or a European socialist/almost commie country to take our troublesome pests would be too expensive.


Sunday night. We are home from the endurance ride, which was just the Limited Distance for Shade and I today. We came in 5th. A group of hotshoes did the trail wrong and had to redo a few miles of trail. But Shade did well; our official ride time is 2 hours and 44 minutes for the 25 miles. 8mph is a respectable pace for us.

Now I’m showered, need to feed horses a bit more hay. Just gave half rations cuz it was raining when I got home, wanted to limit feed to what would fit in the sheds. I wish my ISP was working. Had a 10 minute window of connection this evening. I sure hope the modem upgrade resolves this.

Good thing I only rode 25 miles. My camelback rubbed my neck. First time that has happened to me. My back was tight at the ride finish, my legs are already feeling sore. I must spend more time riding and doing some other fitness work.

Monday Morning. My back still feels tight but not bad. My ISP is still kaput darnit. Legs don’t feel too bad. My weight has been creeping up instead of down the last couple of weeks, Grrr. Todays blip may be mostly from water retention in the hard worked muscles but I may have suck it up and do a more formal diet if I want to lose these annoying 10-11 lbs. And I do want to lose them, just so far have not wanted it bad enough to make major changes in eating. I was hoping just the minor changes would do and perhaps they will if I am more disciplined and move my feet more than I have been the last couple of weeks. Mom is havng jaw pain again. ARGGGGHHHH, I sure hope that there is some lump of infected or aggrieved bone that can be removed and she’ll be ok again. She has been gardening quite a bit and cooking more often and generally showing more signs of health since the implants were removed.

Ugh, I have a tight spot in right butt cheek. Its not much more than minor annoyance itself but it makes me think I was probably riding unevenly –poor Shade. Guess I should check her out, the vet was not getting anything remarkable at the checks but. Sighhhhhhhhhh, I wish I had a better seat on the horse and a better feel for when I’m kilter.

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