Sunday, April 4, 2010

Peekaboo where are you?

Peekaboo has been refusing to come in at night lately with the mild weather and we haven't seen her since yesterday. (it is now 8:45pm) Fear she was hunting mice across the road and became the prey for a coyote or something. Dang the down side of critters that are not in your face so much is they sometimes roam too far amusing themselves and disappear. Tonight every time Mia goes to barking I look to see if she is messing with the cat but usually if Peekaboo stays out overnight she comes in for breakfast and a long nap in the house when I hay the horses in the morning. For her to not turn up all day when we were outside fencing is not normal.

We put field fence along the back of both paddocks so Mia won't be slipping through and then through the barb wire pasture fence anymore. My arms are sore. I didn't pound all that many staples and tamped one post -- we also reset the fence post that had come out. We did not set an extra post and brace it properly though. Hopefully it holds another several years and I am moved out before it needs redoing. Next fencing project I need to tackle is the pasture fence. The top strand on the road side needs to be tightened and restapled on a few posts. Then I should get some kind of charger and have a hot strand around the top of the whole pasture.

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