Monday, April 12, 2010

Why are mondays so long?

I am struggling to not burn a bridge right now. It is so annoying that someone with a generous spirit, almost to a fault, and quite good horsewoman, bred my youngster as well as some other nice horses to help preserve good athletic arabian lines, is a marxist politically. I wish I could send her to live as a cuban for a year whenever she pops off a che quote. I will NOT capitalize that murderous thugs name. How can someone be responsible in real life and be such a cheerleader for the notion that no one has to be responsible? the state must seize the products of the productive to take care of the lazy as well as the infirm? I used to think the state has a duty to help the infirm but the older I get the more I think that overly quick/generous state help just invites people to adapt helplessness as a lifestyle, especially when the state penalizes the productive so that the lazy can buy the latest sneakers and big screen tvs.

Partly I'm just tired from riding on Sunday. It was FUN, Shade was really good for me. She is so strong, a few times I really got off balance to one side and she never bobbled as I got myself straight again. Saddle did its job and stayed centered as I totally weighted one stirrup before recovering too. But I was tired when I got home and I am worrying about Cindy even though I'm keeping it mostly in the back of my mind till I know. After I wrapped her leg this morning she was kicking it, I guess she'll get it to her desired level of looseness, funny old mare.

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