Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I am such a doofus

I haven't been getting Cindy's wrap done very well. She is moving pretty cautious again. Ulp, I hope this is just a longer recovery and not such a setback that I need to make the rainbow bridge call. Yesterday I forgot to turn the water off to her 15 gallon tub! I was shocked when mom called and announced there was a big lake in that pen and the cistern was dry. It only takes a couple of minutes to fill that tub and it was almost full and I meant to turn it off, I must have decided to put something away in the feed room first to let it run another 20 seconds and fill to the brim and forgot to turn it off in that teeny bit of time. Taking absent mindedness to a whole new level.

****UPDATE After vet visit*************
Today was spring shots day and checking on Cindy. She was walking better when I took her over to Dr Mike than first thing in the morning either today or yesterday. Sooo, he thinks she is healing. He checked for hoof pain again since she was so fussy 2 weeks ago on the initial visit. Nada there, then he did some flexion on the fetlock and Cindy was definite that THAT HURTS. So keep her in a support wrap another 2 weeks, 2 months on confinement**. She is not really confined now, she is feeling it enough to avoid carrying on so just being in a not huge pen with no other horse in there to stir her up is good enough, but I may have to limit her pen size in a few weeks. Sadie was good for getting shots. Not perfect as she did not want to stand still but she didn't carry on when she got the shots, and blood drawn for her coggins test. I decided to draw blood now so it will be easier to get things in order for training.

I am still thinking I want to send Sadie to Nebraska to be started. I could probably find someone closer who does the long-lining but I've seen this trainer under duress and I KNOW that he does not lose his cool at all. I told my farrier that was my plan along with the statement that Sadie will get the lost temper at some point from me; I don't fly off the handle often but, well I don't think horses should have training complicated by temper so *I* can never be a horse trainer. With my own I can limit contact when my mood is black and they are resilient enough to deal with a minor tantrum from me every couple of years.

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