Friday, December 8, 2017

Well the SA store hasn't chased me out yet

I don't know if its proper procedure to just walk through the retail section and set my donations down on a bench they have in hallway that has restrooms on one end and door to processing section at the other end.   But they haven't hollered at me not to do that in three trips to drop off stuff in 3 weeks so its probably fine.

I could not find the button collection today to sew a button on pair of pants I was going to donate.  Grrr, substituted some pretty dresses that mom had in the sewing room closet.  Kind of hesitated to part with them because pretty and looked like I might fit them now after my weight loss; but reminded myself that I hardly ever wear a dress so its better to donate them so someone will have a chance to appreciate them vs them just sitting in a closet in the house.  So one bag of clothes and I will have to find the buttons later.  Still lots of clothes left in my closet so no biggie.  Also 3 or 4 mid size stuffed animals and a pair of shoes.  Toby had dragged one of the pair to sewing room and I have got enough junk off the floor in that room that I found it this week.  I *AM* progressing even though there is still a huge amount of stuff I need to go through and I also need to get busy and take some pictures and list some of the riding clothing and misc. horse tack on FB or EBAY.  

Dad did buy shields or disposable underpants yesterday,  I also bought him some of the underpants kind when I was in Safeway yesterday in case he did not feel up to shopping today.  I did not ask him if he made an appointment with dr.  I also showed him the place I found that sounds like fun hog hunting experience this morning to give him incentive to take care of health.   It is a longer drive that I thought so I may do more web searching to see if there is something closer, but probably one has to drive about that far to get to wooded country where feral hogs are abundant.    My unaddressed envelope did end up at our house and the USPS didn't even cancel the stamps so I was able to just add the address and drop it in a box today.

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