Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Little ride this morning..

Good things. Shade is rounding, we would not score well on any dressage tests, no consistency in staying rounded yet, this is both lack of rider skill and lack of practice and muscling for her but I feel like progress is being made. I took the dogs for a pretty good walk yesterday. I really hoof it up the gradual hill because I don't want Mia to get too much head start before I get back to the car and can catch up to her. Ole did not stick with me riding today but I think he came directly home after he finally got his fill of trying to get the rabbit out of the pipe in the CRP we ride alongside. It feels like spring already, horses are shedding, its barely barely been freezing overnight etc.

Bad things. I may have a low grade cold or secondary infection. I seem to have a weak yucky taste on my tongue. I keep wanting to eat something to chase it away but I haven't been too overboard with cramming food in. I feel very fat which is helping moderate the eating but I have been trying to moderate my eating since the holidays and get a bit more exercise and I don't feel like I'm gaining any ground. Guess I'll have to do daily weights and chronicle exactly what I eat for a while. Shade had white snot and seemed easily winded when I rode in the paddock. I hope its just seasonal and not problems with the hay I'm feeding. Its not bad now but I worry that the allergies will get chronic or severe. I'm a worrier its what I do. Mia is blowing out undercoat and I fear I am not keeping up and she'll have a lot of matting and we'll just have to have her clipped again in a couple of months. Predicting snow on thursday night. Probably another no biggie, most have been mostly south or west of us and this one will probably be north from forecast and is fast moving so temps may rebound by sunday.

My test processing is failing. It seems to get flummoxed when a new clock file is made while the one program is going through all the different data arcs. I think I'll just change things so that the clock file used to compute the orbit is passed to other programs that use a clock file (old processing computed a clock for each set of data) So I have a project but its irritating to have the failure when the program should theoretically be fine regardless of whether a new file comes in.

The Dems are talking about ramming their healthscare through (who benefits if they succeed and Cloward Piven the U.S. economy? China needs us to be able to buy stuff at least short term, Russia? The Islamists want chaos so they can impose a caliphate? BLECH. I should email every primary candidate and ask them if they will make repeal a priority if Obamacare passes. Oh and Lindsey Graham (R) is partnering with some Dem's to redo carbon cap and trade. Well the house bill on that is a disaster but sheesh they need to just let it die, having a republican bring it up is painful. Republicans are NOT supposed to attack our economy dammit.

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