Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My coffee tastes salty

And so did the water and tea I drank earlier. I don't know if its zinc residual from the lozenge I took in the middle of the night after waking with a sore throat or post? nasal drip down my throat. I don't really feel sick at least. I am in my riding tights already and will ride Shade in a wee bit, but may make it a shorter ride.

Caucus was ok. I got my precincts table to suggest a change to one of the weld county GOP resolutions. They had "we are opposed to stem cell research" I got my table to submit that it should be "opposed to embryonic stem cell research." Maybe I can get involved in the party over the next two years and then suggest that the resolutions should be re-ordered. They had some defense of marriage and stuff in there which I am not really for, but not ready to fight for take it out, but it should be behind support of troops, 2nd amendment rights, fiscal responsibility. IMO that morals type of thing is fringe stuff,

I would like more states to copy VT and have civil unions. The gay rights activists want 'marriage' now but IMO that is going too far. But a basic civil union that gives partners medical power of attorney, heir to any estate if there is not a will, those kind of basic legal things that marriage automatically provides for an inexpensive license fee and simple ceremony and same sex partners in 45? states now have to spend $$$ having a lawyer draw up individual legal documents --to me it seems like something that would strengthen communities without diminishing marriage. Heh, maybe I should move to Vermont, yeah its the home of Howard Dean, but Colorado sure has its share of commie flakes.

Of course I am also of the opinion that in this day and age spousal benefits should be eliminated. Family benefits could extend to a spouse when there are children in the household but if a marriage is just two adults and no children there is no reason both adults cannot be responsible for their own health care and whatnot.

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