Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Fitness

There was zero snow or rain overnight. It was cold and foggy when I got up and it rained barely enough to settle the dust before 9. I was dinking on the laptop, being lazy with gray weather and Ole was pestering. Spoilt spoilt dog, but I did decide I'd make it a good fitness walk for me day since I had planned on not riding and wasn't motivated by the weather to change that.

As I was pulling up to the non maintained county road I usually drive down .2 miles then park in an approach while I walk a semi with a box trailer pulling up the road. I thought the driver had gotten crazy GPS directions since I know the GPS and mapquest databases do try to send people that way. Well I walked the dogs, doing lots of 'marching' and throwing in toe rising and even a bit of jogging almost in place while Mia did her snooping around away from home. My knee was barely bothering at all, YAY!. We went quite a ways, then I was doing the power walk to keep up with Mia's heading home pace and the semi comes up behind me again. Its a driving school but I'm still not sure why they choose to go down this 2 track road that is rutted and forces speed to stay under 15mph. They passed me and then caught up to Mia and decided to stop cuz they couldn't see her. Mia does not move out of the road until she absolutely has to, she is a) avoiding burrs that stick in her furry paws, and b) is hard headed anyway. The instructor explained to me they were waiting because of the dog (think thats what she said) as I went by the truck on the passenger side. In interest of not holding them up more than necessary I jogged a fair way up the gradual hill back towards the car even though I was sweating in my windbreaker and the nearly 100% humidity although it was cool temps. The good news is I was not getting winded but I did walk the last bit because my knee was starting to complain and I was feeling a bit overheated. *note to self, run upstairs and put a bra on next time you may be doing any jogging.

I took a short afternoon walk at work today too, I wore my coat and even my ear band as it was chilly, got a bit warm right at the end again even though I was only walking. I hope that means my metabolism was cooking off some fat.

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