Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Got summer tires on the car today

It REALLY feels summery too, I had the AC on periodically driving to work afterwards. I hope the car runs long enough to justify the tires and extra rims. I have to talk to dad, we have got to do some more fencing. I want him to be onboard for how we should proceed and helping rather than just trying to make something work myself. Three options, 1 just get a working charger and a lower strand to keep the dogs from slipping through the paddock back fence into the pasture area and through the pasture fence. 2) put woven wire on the back of the paddocks. 3) put woven wire on the pasture fence along the road.

Damm dogs are trying to give me an ulcer. The neighbors I met at the caucus were walking as I fed. I chatted with S, they had 2 horses and a daughter riding one horse, on their way back home I think a horse knocked her DH over, or possibly he just tripped. Mia got in a snit because they were stopped right at the corner where the woven fence ends and she had to run out barking. *I'm fairly sure that the fall happened first, but not 100% positive and regardless I was not happy to have Mia charging out to make the situation worse. I was heading out there on foot with Ole on lead, then decided to grab the car and offer the guy home, he walked a bit and then needed to wait and clear his head. By the time I got back with the car he was almost to the corner, damm Mia had been trailing him rather than came home on her own, grrrr stupid dog.

Then I rode about 2 hrs later. Mia stayed back from the gate and I figured she was going to stay home since its quite warm today. NO, the dammed hard headed white dog came through the paddock and slipped through the fences. When I cut her off from turning left at the subdivision road she turned around and went west. She stayed west instead of going north at the utility road and I did not turn north to see if she'd stick with me when she saw I wasn't going her way. Had to cut her out of the driveway she likes so well down that way and then their little dog slipped through his fence and came out to be all tough guy -well maybe all curious guy is more accurate. I did a quick dismount and got the lead on Mia just a bit after little dog starting sniffing her. Had to grab Ole too as he came up to check on the fun.

The dogs were reasonably tolerant of the little dog, which they damm well should have been since we hardly ever even go that way-- but trying to lead a horse by her bridle and two dogs on one lead and discourage a pesky dog from following but not sound too mad lest Ole decide he has to save me was stress I did NOT need. Little dog finally went home although not into his fenced house yard where owner was calling him. He was little but just as ornery as hard headed Mia.

By the time I got home it was almost lunch time and I did not want to interrupt the lunch of the family from the morning incident so I didn't swing by on my way to work/tire errand to apologize and find out exactly what happened. This is why if *I* picked out the dog for the family to have it would have been ONE COUCH POTATO, older rottweiller (well its CLOSE on spelling dammit.) I freaking hate having dogs that want to come along when I ride, I curtail my mileage or speed or route for them so dammed often, it is NO way to condition for endurance. Lousy clingers.

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