Friday, March 12, 2010

WooHoo, car repair bill was under 500

And that included around $200 for the scheduled maintenance. I have been blessed recently with vehicle problems occurring close to home or with help around and not costing horrible amounts to fix. Thank you Lord, I really do appreciate that.

I (so far) have managed to resist snacking temptations at work. I understand S breaking out the girl scout cookies yesterday so she didn't eat as many but what led other people to think they had to bring in pastry and dark chocolate with ginger to pile on top of the leftover cookies? Oh well I had 1 thin mint cookie close enough to dark chocolate to be unappealing and 2 pieces of the ginger choc. and reduced consumption of my usual dark chocolate by 2 pieces. Took a leisurely afternoon walk as well. Tomorrow I will air out my bedroom unless I forget but it needs it so hopefully I remember. Been taking zinc, feeling like I'm running a slight fever which I'm encouraging to cook the blasted viruses.

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