Thursday, March 11, 2010

Can I get a little cheese ..

To go with this whine? I have a sore throat. I was hoping it was just from calling the rotten dog but it has persisted all afternoon at the office and I am also getting my usual 'I feel off' sensation that often precedes definite cold/flu symptoms. Waah, I was just getting into a bit of health and beauty groove. If I toughen my will just a bit I can resist the 'comfort foods will make me feel better' temptation and still eat right, but exercise will be sharply curtailed cuz overdoing that when I'm sick tends to make me feel like shit. Of course this happens the very next day after I sent the full bottle of vitamin C to 'my' soldier in Afghanistan; and he'll probably be thinking WTF as spring will probably be in full bloom by the time it gets there. Oh well I still have some zinc and am taking that. Hope it does the trick with lessening severity and duration. I don't want to go through '7 days if you treat symptoms aggressively or 1 week if you do nothing' routine. I wont do nothing, its my nature to try to stamp out the virus and if that fails and I really get sick I take nyquil and knock myself out.

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