Wednesday, January 18, 2012

YAWN: ABC has tape of ex-wife interview about Newt

Ehhh, whatever. In a world where even the supposedly more in tune primary voters are rejecting Perry -which *I* think this has way more to do with Leno, Fallon et al cracking jokes about Perry being dumb than about direct impressions formed by watching debates or seeking out you-tube of Perry's interviews we are doomed anyway. And Perry was not for sure going to try to shrink government any if elected; and its a big question as to whether he would have been able to convince voters to tune out the MFM and vote to end the 4 years of misery we've had from Barry.

If we are going to continue letting the MarxSpewMedia filter sound bites to make a scoamf like Barry seem likeable and intelligent and tell us --oh heck I already did that rant, but anyway if people won't realize they get heavily filtered news and sound bytes spun to make the most socialist/marxist minded dems sound good and the conservatives sound bad and that the media will also spin during the primary season for the GOP candidate they either want as being easy to beat (ie McCain) or possibly with Romney think will solidify the new government agencies and entitlements as being approved by bi-partisan presidents; then things can not improve by a whole lot or for any length of time. Honestly if the "conservative" part of the public will only go with a candidate that is either getting a pass from the media, or scoring some rounds on the media (who are probably holding back some because he is the #2 choice as easy to beat, or possibly can be manipulated in office although not nearly the safe pick Mittens would be) than so be it.

Most of the media are the enemy of a Republic form of government, with equal justice for all and respect for property rights --if the portion of the public that considers itself conservative cannot get that through their heads then we are doomed to lose the issue at some point.

And if GOP selects Romney as the nominee, even if he wins the election I suspect we will lose on rolling back government intrusion into everybody's lives and we maybe get another 10-15 years before the weight of all the entitlement programs crashes the country as we knew it.

If Barry wins, he appoints some more very bad SCOTUS members, weakens the military, perhaps gets us into a war with Islam if he thinks he has tipped the scales to where we will lose.

Either way we may get a "tea party" with a good candidate in 2016 (maybe 2014 for congress) but I fear it will be too late to salvage the republic as we knew it. Oh well, I enjoyed the fruits of Reaganism beating back the 200 year life cycle for good democratic republics by 30 years and its not like it will be guaranteed universal misery under socialist democracy and it might not collapse before my death. My nephew to be (hopefully born healthy in 5 months) may be ok in spite of the country having chosen, well honestly "national suicide" is a pretty good term, suicide of the nation we had in 2008 and refusing to quit the path of ruin in 2012.


Gerrick said...

I am back. I have picked up more bruises,cuts,scratches, and sore muscles than I ever have in 9 days time.

I will tell you more when I feel better.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Well as long as there were no poisonous insect or snake bites, that sounds like an ok exchange if you got some good memories, unique experiences to talk about :)

Looking forward to hearing some details.