Monday, January 16, 2012

Ahhh, peace and quiet

I came in to the office so I could piddle with some work and make up half the PTO day I took to go to the stock show. Mostly to have complete peace and quiet though. Office is empty being a holiday. Its relatively quiet at home; sis, her SO and their 2 dogs are gone but I wanted a change of scenery as well as total peace and quiet. I detest most daytime TV and it was not miserable out, but was kind of cold for doing anything outside. I could have made use of my new short couch in the upstairs office but preserving PTO for future carried the day. I gave mom the size large blaze orange coat I bought. Gave sis cash with note that it was for cost of out of state elk license. I am going to plan on "only going up on 1 or 2 of the weekends" this fall. There is no reason I should have to burn scads of PTO and stay out there for 9-10 days straight.

I am a tiny bit blue about it, but I just do not enjoy spending time with sis like I used to. Perhaps if it was just us camping and riding like we did annually for a few years I would again, but I suspect not. A) It is never just spending time with her anymore. She is always having to call her SO cuz he worries if he doesn't hear from her regularly and B) I think we have both changed a bit and just don't sync as well as we used to. But on the plus side we are still on good terms with each other and it is not like we live so close together that we should be getting together more often -well perhaps it would be easier for me to meet her 2x/month for dinner or something then spending a block of time under the same roof, but it works ok when she visits here or I visit there, and really it was specifically the riding trips where we ever had really good sync and they are getting a bit of rose-colored memory effect at that.

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