Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ugh, more propaganda believers.

cripes. Now UNAVCO, who have nothing to gain from climate change hysteria since their science area is GEOPHYSICS is jumping on the pander to the watermelon (green outside commie red inside) environmental movement. Having Naomi Oreskes author of "Merchants of Doubt" as a keynote speaker.

Now a fine book called "Mechants of DOOM" revealing that the nature of science funding leads to doomsday predictions to try to get public funding from a congress running huge deficits and completely incapable of understanding science well enough to tell junk science from sound science could be written. But a "handful of politically connected scientists have blocked action on tobacco smoke, DDT, ... and now climate change" Oh Puh-lease, these are varied fields, how would *a* group of scientists have any involvement across them?

No I am not going to put money in Miss Oreskes pocket to find out how she spins this. But if its already in the library perhaps I
should read it, learn the mind of the enemy -- though I hate to raise my blood pressure, and I have a hard time achieving any kind of clinical detachment with crap like this. Oh and these merchants of Doubt have been horribly ineffective based on those examples, seeing as how the politicians sided with the doomsday voices in all the historical examples given.

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