Tuesday, January 3, 2012

And the eye-roll for today

The new building that they bought at work has a split parking area on what should be the ground floor, with a small central area with some storage, bathrooms, showers, unattended lobby. The parking area does not have walls, it has a dropped panel roof like an interior office space. This city gets chinook wind gusts 2-3 times a year. For the second time since we moved in the covered parking area is closed off for fixing the ceiling panels. But in typical liberal fashion they are ignoring the fact that ceiling tiles just suspended in a framework, even if it more sturdy frames and tiles than the interior ceilings WILL NOT WORK IN THIS AREA.

They will probably replace a good # of the tiles another half a dozen times before they figure out they either need to get windbreaks if not full on walls at least along the one curved arc of the building or come up with different ceiling arrangement -or both.

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