Friday, January 20, 2012

I'm too young and I don't have my own lawn ...

But dang I feel like a cranky old curmudgeon wanting to shout "Get off my lawn" a lot lately. Well I'm still bummed that Perry withdrew, not like he let me down so much as that he had to withdraw because he was not regaining any in the polls. Didn't make a great early impression in first debates and folks would not reconsider in face of the MFM comedians constant drumbeat it seemed like. I think Perry figured Newt was the best hope for the GOP. Newt as the best hope, good lord things are messed up.

Newt resonates with me some because he tells off the MFM. Unfortunately he is not doing it with humor and class like Reagan mostly managed to do, so I'm not sure how Newts 'take downs' play across all voters, many of whom still seem to think these DNC P/R people pretending to be reporters and such are trustworthy. And while I can make the argument that the country has done pretty well with healthy libido guys as POTUS (ie Clinton). I do myself, have a bit of "well it shows pretty poor judgement on Newts part to get hitched with MaryAnne (sp?) if the congressional wives considered her unstable et al even back in the day."

But Romney? I cannot just accept "oh he is really quite conservative, his record reflects being stuck with a Mass. Dem legislature" Mitt would have to make that argument himself and convincingly to mollify me, but he does not. Yeah I have heard the theory is that he's avoiding scaring away the skittish independents that voted for Obama. But is a base that is going "ughhh, we don't trust Mitt but we have to get rid of Barry" really going to convince wobblers who say they wont vote again for Barry to vote for Mitt if Trump or Luap Nor or someone runs 3rd party? If the MFM unleashes full class warfare and "Mormans are a cult" on MItt will the "skittish independents" be scared off him, especially if the GOP voters are going "well he was the best we could get this year, and he is better than Barry" rather than "Mitt will be fantastic for this country, you'd be crazy not to vote for him?"

I don't have a good feeling at all, we are going to be stuck just hoping the 2010 sentiment of "well the GOP doesn't really get it either but we can drag them towards fiscal sanity but there is no hope of sanity with Dems" is enough to prevail; with a side sentiment of "if Mitt -or Newt- disappoints us we can go 3rd party or challenge for the GOP primary or something in 2016, but again this all depends on strong anti Barry/DNC votes and they might thwart that with a 3rd party candidate. Caring about politics and the future of the country sucks. Of course it always has, a lot of the signers of the Declaration of Independence payed high personal prices for giving us the great country we had. What a pisser that we as a nation have so defaced the bedrock principles and may be on the verge of just tossing them in a dumpster instead of restoring them.

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