Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Its like they read my post. doodoo doodoo....

AFTER having paid to replace the parking roof tiles at work in the normal mode they have kept the area off limits to use (don't want us getting hurt ) and yesterday they sent an FYI email that they are going to consult with a structural engineer to come up with some way to support the roof to prevent any more falling panels. Brilliant ... its not like the engineer is going to want to see how the panels attach currently /sarc. I suspect its just gravity like an indoor suspended roof but I didn't ask when they were replacing them or watch the process long enough to know if there is some screws, clamps or something else added.

I have some CDs at my bank. Need to do something with them but the 6 mo rolled over today. (I thought I should do something about it by close of business but they show it already rolled over) SOO frustrating although a tiny bump in the grand scheme of things. Its not like I have a plan what to do instead and I don't think we'll have HYPER inflation; its just that inflation is here already, food package sizes keep shrinking as well as prices going up and the horse feed prices are way up. So annoying to have been too slow and locked in a pitiful 0.4% rate for another 6 months unless I take a penalty.

I bought a loveseat today. Dang seller must have sprayed the cushions with febreeze right before I got there. I had to have the windows cracked driving to work and the dash vent fan on. I dislike febreeze smell rather than it was super overdone but I hope it clears out with all 4 windows cracked 1-2 inches while I'm parked. Cheyenne forecast was light snow overnight so I should probably make dad help me haul it upstairs right away when I get home tonight. Better call and warn him I guess. I really should be working more to figure out my move out options instead of making tiny tweaks, I am just hyper annoyed all the time lately. The parents have not changed, I'm just way more annoyed by their quirks lately. Maybe I need to double my magnesium dosing or take some hormone balancers.

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